Chilli Marketing Ltd
Chilli Marketing is a business focused on the development of top quality premium brands globally, with offices in Manchester, London, New York, Sydney and Cape Town. Our award-winning, energetic and highly experienced team of sales and marketeers, combined with our locations, gives us access to the very best places to develop our brands. We have built strong relations across our markets to provide bars, hotels, restaurants and retailers with great brands that excite their customers, as well as increasing profit through high turnover of product. Our great brands and our growing geographic spread means that an ever increasing number of people can share the great experiences of our products and services at every occasion, no matter where they are in the world. Our portfolio is ever growing, with a diversity of brands ranging from alcoholic beverages to personal-training services, card retail outlets to ecommerce with our heritage butchers. The result is a wealth of shared knowledge, informing our expertise across each field and collectively, thus ensuring we meet the ever evolving needs of our customers. Our passion for people is at the core of what we do and at Chilli Marketing our people are central to the companyÍs success. We want every member of our team to thrive and are committed to his or her professional and personal development, making Chilli an amazing place to work. In recognition of that we have been accredited Investors In PeopleÍs Gold status twice over. This is why 'Building Brands That People Love' is at the core of what we do.
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
Manchester, United Kingdom

Chilli Marketing is a business focused on the development of top quality premium brands globally, with offices in Manchester, London, New York, Sydney and Cape Town. Our award-winning, energetic and highly experienced team of sales and marketeers, combined with our locations, gives us access to the very best places to develop our brands.

We have built strong relations across our markets to provide bars, hotels, restaurants and retailers with great brands that excite their customers, as well as increasing profit through high turnover of product.

Our great brands and our growing geographic spread means that an ever increasing number of people can share the great experiences of our products and services at every occasion, no matter where they are in the world.

Our portfolio is ever growing, with a diversity of brands ranging from alcoholic beverages to personal-training services, card retail outlets to ecommerce with our heritage butchers. The result is a wealth of shared knowledge, informing our expertise across each field and collectively, thus ensuring we meet the ever evolving needs of our customers.

Our passion for people is at the core of what we do and at Chilli Marketing our people are central to the companyÍs success. We want every member of our team to thrive and are committed to his or her professional and personal development, making Chilli an amazing place to work. In recognition of that we have been accredited Investors In PeopleÍs Gold status twice over.

This is why 'Building Brands That People Love' is at the core of what we do.

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They are headquartered at Manchester, United Kingdom, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.