CitroÔn is a French automobile manufacturer founded in 1919 by Andr_ CitroÔn and is part of the PSA groupe. CitroÔn is renowned for its cutting-edge creative technologies that have repeatedly revolutionised the automotive industry. The brand has created iconic models such as the Traction Avant, the H Van, 2CV, DS, GS, SM ... and more recently the CitroÔn C4 Picasso, New CitroÔn C3, SpaceTourer and New Dispatch.
The CitroÔn brand is daring, demanding, creative and has an unfailing human attachment which is shown throughout its history. Its almost 100-year old heritage of more than 300 models has forever marked the automotive industry. CitroÔn is always looking for cutting-edge solutions to make travelling easier in towns and cities and places technology at the heart of creating a calm and relaxed enviroment. Creative Technologie, the brand's true DNA, is always useful to both the driver and passengers!
CitroÔn est un constructeur automobile franais fond_ en 1919 par Andr_ CitroÔn et fait partie du groupe PSA Peugeot CitroÔn. CitroÔn est r_put_ pour ses technologies cr_atives d'avant-garde qui ont ö plusieurs reprises r_volutionn_ le monde de l'industrie automobile. La marque a notamment cr__ les Traction Avant, l'utilitaire H, les 2CV, DS, GS, SM... ou plus r_cemment les CitroÔn C4 Picasso, CitroÔn C3, EMEHARI, Space Tourer ou encore New Jumpy.
La marque CitroÔn fait preuve d'audace, dÍexigence, de cr_ativit_ et d'un attachement ö l'humain jamais d_menti tout au long de son histoire. Forte de son patrimoine quasi-centenaire de plus de 300 modles dont certains ont marqu_ ö jamais l'industrie automobile, CitroÔn est inscrite dans le cìur de chaque Franais. Toujours ö la recherche de solutions dÍavant-garde pour faciliter vos d_placements en ville et sur routes, CitroÔn place la technologie au service du bien-tre. La Cr_ative Technologie, v_ritable ADN de la marque, est toujours utile au conducteur comme aux passagers !
- Company Name:Citroen
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Paris, France
> 10,000 employees
- Spain 49.8%
- France 22.0%
- Italy 4.3%
- United Kingdom 3.5%
- Poland 2.9%
- Deutsch
- Kraftfahrzeuge
- Pkw
- 16 SDKs
- 3.56 Avg. Rating
- 88 Total reviews

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Utilities
- Bundle ID: com.citroen.mycitroenapps.smeg
- Version: 1.4.7
- Release Date: June 17th, 2014
- Update Date: August 23rd, 2016
You’re now the lucky owner of a New C4 Cactus (1)? Extend your driving experience thanks to the Link MyCitroën App! With a simple and intuitive interface, Link MyCitroën gives you the following benefits:
Save Time! Thanks to “Find my car (2)” and “Continue navigation (3)” functionalities, you’ll find it easier to locate your vehicle’s parking position and plan your ‘on foot’ navigation to your final destination (2).
Save Money! Using statistics from journeys undertaken, you can optimise your fuel consumption by comparing your routes.
Be Safe! Enjoy key reminders – keeping you updated as to when your next service is due (4).
Link MyCitroën uses a Bluetooth® connection within the New C4 Cactus (5) touchscreen to provide information based on the vehicle’s usage.
For information regarding Link MyCitroën, please direct queries to our Customer team at
You can also log in to your vehicle via an USB cable and enjoy all features of your App whilst charging your IPhone.
(1) For all vehicles fitted with touchscreen.
(2) Requires a navigation app installed on smartphone and internet connection. The “Find My Car” feature can impact your contract so please check the terms of contract with your mobile operator as additional fees may apply.
(3) For vehicles fitted with touchscreen and “Navigation” option. Also requires a navigation App installed on smartphone and internet connection. The “Continue navigation” feature can impact your contract so please check the terms of contract with your mobile operator as additional fees may apply.
(4) Reminders and alerts issued are not intended to replace content or detail within the service maintenance book or vehicle handbook.
(5) To commence operation you will need to input the vehicle’s VIN number, which is on your car registration document, in order to initialise the connection between your smartphone and your New C4 Cactus. It’s recommended that this operation is undertaken when the vehicle is stationary.

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Prolongement de mon C4 Picasso II


They are headquartered at Paris, France, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Citroen works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Evidon.
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