City Of Boroondara
The City of Boroondara is a metropolitan council, representing more than 170,000 people in the inner-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. At the City of Boroondara, we believe in providing an environment where our staff thrive, both in the work they do and in how they learn and develop as people and professionals. Our organisation is a leader in the local government sector, with a reputation for innovation and excellence. We are a predominantly residen
Government Administration
Balwyn, Victoria, Australia

The City of Boroondara is a metropolitan council, representing more than 170,000 people in the inner-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. At the City of Boroondara, we believe in providing an environment where our staff thrive, both in the work they do and in how they learn and develop as people and professionals. Our organisation is a leader in the local government sector, with a reputation for innovation and excellence.

We are a predominantly residential municipality located in the inner and middle rings of MelbourneÍs eastern suburbs. Major features of the City of Boroondara include Swinburne University of Technology, Studley Park, the Burke Road shopping area and a range of parks, gardens and golf courses. The City includes the suburbs of Ashburton, Balwyn, Balwyn North, Camberwell, Canterbury, Hawthorn, Hawthorn East, Kew, Kew East and parts of the suburbs of Glen Iris and Surrey Hills.

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City Of Boroondara
City Of Boroondara receives up to 0.94M pageviews per day, in countries such as Australia.

They are headquartered at Balwyn, Victoria, Australia, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.