How much would it surprise you if we said that the number of ads served and innovative ad formats is not all that should matter to a mobile advertising network? There is nothing groundbreaking about mobile advertising. We know how to engage customers. The basic principles are the same as they are in print and on the web. ItÍs the technology that is groundbreaking. And we own it. We know how to make the most of it, how to use it to get you the best results.
Our creative is driven by data and specific capabilities of mobile technology to create deep interaction with mobile users. Our approach to mobile advertising is designed for brands who want to create an intimate relationship with their customers. Using intelligent targeting and retargeting technology, we focus your budget on those end users who are inclined to your offer.
We hold the largest inventory in SEE and enable monetization of mobile channels to prominent regional publishers. Campaigns that run on our regional network deliver pertinent ad experiences to a premium audience.
Our mission is to be a mobile-first end-to-end platform for advertisers, agencies and publishers:
_ Developing high quality mobile channels
_ Providing compelling creative solutions for mobile campaigns
_ Growing and retaining a customer base by targeting and retargeting audiences
_ Running rich media HTML5 interactive campaigns with higher mobile usersÍ engagement
_ Using smart mobile ad optimization technology for top results
_ Providing a sound return on investment through user acquisition and segmentation
If you feel you want to learn more about us, simply explore our website ( But weÍd like it better if you got in touch with us so we can start a conversation.
- Company Name:Clickattack
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Biel, Swaziland
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50 employees
- 17212248 Global Rank
- 4359882
- 279 Estimated Visits
- Finland 87.6%
- Suomi
- Elinkeinoelämä
- Terveydenhoito
- 10 SDKs
- 4.81 Avg. Rating
- 1 Total reviews
- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Shopping
- Bundle ID: nth.devet.99
- App Size: 46.5 M
- Version: 1.2.0
- Release Date: October 4th, 2016
- Update Date: October 25th, 2017
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