Cnp Assurances
For 160 years, CNP Assurances has been protecting people against the risks of everyday life. FranceÍs leading personal insurer, CNP Assurances also has operations in other European countries and in Latin America, with a significant presence in Brazil. Its ambition is to insure all our futures. The Group designs and manages life insurance, pension, personal risk and protection (term creditor insurance and health insurance) solutions. _ In France, CNP Assurances di
5,000 - 10,000
Paris, France

For 160 years, CNP Assurances has been protecting people against the risks of everyday life. FranceÍs leading personal insurer, CNP Assurances also has operations in other European countries and in Latin America, with a significant presence in Brazil. Its ambition is to insure all our futures.

The Group designs and manages life insurance, pension, personal risk and protection (term creditor insurance and health insurance) solutions.
_ In France, CNP Assurances distributes its products through La Banque Postale and the Caisses dÍEpargne, as well as through its own in-house network.
_ In Brazil, its second largest market, the GroupÍs partner is Caixa Econªmica Federal, the countryÍs second-biggest state-owned bank.
In Europe and Latin America, CNP Assurances and its subsidiaries offer tailor-made employee benefit and pension products that are aligned with the needs of companies, local authorities and mutual insurers, as well as term creditor insurance products for banks operating in these regions.
The Group applies a holistic approach to employee benefits plans, covering not only financial benefits but also risk prevention and personal services.

CNP Assurances enjoys the backing of a public sector shareholder, Caisse des D_pªts et Consignations, which owns 40.8% of its capital.
Its net profit rose by 4.8% in 2014, to ó1,080 million

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  • Release Date: January 5th, 2015
  • Update Date: June 5th, 2017


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Utilisateur CNP

Pas au point

Impossible de charger mon contrat, ni mon adresse @. Sans intérêt.


Client Optivie

Idem, rien ne marche. Impossible d'enregistrer l'adresse mail, impossible d'accéder à mon contrat. Pas de message d'erreur...l'app se bloque sur "chargement en cours" À re(?)tester !



Bravo, enfin une belle appli !


Pas au point

Impossible de se connecter, aucune expliquation sur la methode à utiliser pour creer un compte.
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