Coach America
Coach America is the largest tour and charter bus operator and the second largest motorcoach service provider in the highly fragmented US surface transportation industry. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Coach America provides transportation services throughout the entire United States. Services provided by Coach America include motorcoach charters, tours and sightseeing, commuter transportation, airport and casino shuttles, rail crew transportation and contract services for municipalities and corporations. Coach America operates the second largest fleet in the US with over 3,000 well maintained vehicles, including over 1,600 motorcoaches, primarily under the well recognized Coach America, Coach USA, American Coach Lines and Gray Line brands.

Coach America is the largest tour and charter bus operator and the second largest motorcoach service provider in the highly fragmented US surface transportation industry. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Coach America provides transportation services throughout the entire United States.

Services provided by Coach America include motorcoach charters, tours and sightseeing, commuter transportation, airport and casino shuttles, rail crew transportation and contract services for municipalities and corporations. Coach America operates the second largest fleet in the US with over 3,000 well maintained vehicles, including over 1,600 motorcoaches, primarily under the well recognized Coach America, Coach USA, American Coach Lines and Gray Line brands.

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