Coalition Music
It is impossible to talk about the past 25 years of history in Canadian music without mentioning Coalition Music. As thought leaders within the Canadian music industry, Coalition Music co-founders Eric Lawrence and Rob Lanni are the architects of a groundbreaking business built on the singular core belief that the artist is the most important person in the music industry and should be have the reins to develop an empowered, confident career. As the music industry h
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

It is impossible to talk about the past 25 years of history in Canadian music without mentioning Coalition Music. As thought leaders within the Canadian music industry, Coalition Music co-founders Eric Lawrence and Rob Lanni are the architects of a groundbreaking business built on the singular core belief that the artist is the most important person in the music industry and should be have the reins to develop an empowered, confident career.

As the music industry has changed over the past two decades, Coalition Music has evolved with it. Since 1991, Coalition Music began as one of CanadaÕs first boutique music management companies and has grown into to an internationally recognized full-service home for artists at all stages of their careers.

As the home of a management company that boasts some of CanadaÕs most lauded artists who have sold over twelve million albums, Coalition Music is proud to be partners in the success of internationally renowned artists including Our Lady Peace, Finger Eleven, Simple Plan, Justin Nozuka, and Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker.

In 2010 Coalition Music set out once again to redefine what a music company does to benefit artists. By expanding its operations to a new buildingÑthe former home of a conventÑand constructing its own world-class studio and rehearsal spaces, Coalition Music created a one-of-a-kind environment where musicians can create, evolve, and learnÑCanadaÕs Music Incubator.

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