Cogobuy Plc
Cogobuy Group PLC is a leading e-commerce company dedicated to serving the electronics manufacturing industry in China. We operate the largest transaction-based e-commerce platform for IC and other electronic components in China as measured by GMV in 2013 by fulfilling orders with a GMV of approximately RMB3.9 billion. Through CogobuyÍs e-commerce platform, including a direct sales platform, an online marketplace and a dedicated team of
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

Cogobuy Group PLC is a leading e-commerce company dedicated to serving the electronics manufacturing industry in China. We operate the largest transaction-based e-commerce platform for IC and other electronic components in China as measured by GMV in 2013 by fulfilling orders with a GMV of approximately RMB3.9 billion. Through CogobuyÍs e-commerce platform, including a direct sales platform, an online marketplace and a dedicated team of technical consultants and professional sales representatives, the Company provides customers with comprehensive online and offline services across pre-sale, sale and post-sale stages.

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Global Rank 34,968
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  • New York City
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They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Cogobuy Plc works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.