Computer Futures
Computer Futures is a leading IT recruitment consultancy, specialising in placing IT experts in permanent and contract roles across Asia, Europe and the US. With a proven track record in IT recruitment, we enjoy success within all sectors and business types, placing a candidate every 38 minutes. From single job vacancies to large-scale projects, our proficiency in providing exceptional professionals across the board has carved our reputation as a secure and signific
Information Technology and Services
500 - 1,000
London, United Kingdom

Computer Futures is a leading IT recruitment consultancy, specialising in placing IT experts in permanent and contract roles across Asia, Europe and the US.

With a proven track record in IT recruitment, we enjoy success within all sectors and business types, placing a candidate every 38 minutes. From single job vacancies to large-scale projects, our proficiency in providing exceptional professionals across the board has carved our reputation as a secure and significant supplier partner.

A robust and financially strong business we have grown organically from our first office in London in 1986, to 16 offices in Europe; including Amsterdam, Antwerp, Berlin, Birmingham, Bristol, Brussels, Dublin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, London, Manchester, Munich, Paris, Rotterdam and Stuttgart, 7 offices in the USA; including Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, New York, San Diego and San Francisco, and 2 in Asia Pacific; including Singapore and Tokyo.

Gaining market share, year-on-year, we have the largest client base of any IT recruitment business across Europe. We work with a range of clients, from SMEs to large multi-nationals and high-profile names.

Passionate about recruitment, our 350+ specialist IT recruitment consultantsÕ priority is to secure the right person for the right role, within a specified timeframe and budget. Through Computer FuturesÕ methodology, our consultants Ð who focus on a specific IT technical market and geographical area - create a bespoke service to meet our individual clientsÕ recruitment needs.

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