Consilio Llc
Consilio is the global leader in legal consulting and services. Our worldwide team of professionals bring their expertise and a commitment to service excellence to every engagement, partnering with our clients to develop solutions to their most pressing challenges. Our eDiscovery and document review teams have deep experience in litigation and antitrust matters, HSR second requests, as well as internal and regulatory investigations. Consilio supports mu
Legal Services
1,000 - 5,000
Washington, DC, United States

Consilio is the global leader in legal consulting and services. Our worldwide team of professionals bring their expertise and a commitment to service excellence to every engagement, partnering with our clients to develop solutions to their most pressing challenges. Our eDiscovery and document review teams have deep experience in litigation and antitrust matters, HSR second requests, as well as internal and regulatory investigations. Consilio supports multinational law firms and corporations with innovative software, managed services and solutions that span eDiscovery, document review, information governance, regulatory compliance, data privacy, law department management, contracts management and legal analytics. ISO 27001 certified, the company can deploy its services rapidly and efficiently to clients anywhere in the world from offices and data centers across Europe, Asia and North America. For more information, please visit

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