Covington & Burling Llp
From our offices in Beijing, Brussels, Dubai, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seoul, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Washington, we practice as one firm, holding closely to core values that start with a deep commitment to our clients and the quality of our work on their behalf, and that include an emphasis on teamwork among our lawyers and other professionals and a belief in the obligation of lawyers to make legal services available to all
Law Practice
1,000 - 5,000
Washington, DC, United States
Covington & Burling Llp

From our offices in Beijing, Brussels, Dubai, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seoul, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Washington, we practice as one firm, holding closely to core values that start with a deep commitment to our clients and the quality of our work on their behalf, and that include an emphasis on teamwork among our lawyers and other professionals and a belief in the obligation of lawyers to make legal services available to all who need them.

Our lawyers are recognized nationally and internationally for their legal skills and the depth of their expertise. Many have served in senior government positions. Virtually all of them provide public service through pro bono representation. The diversity of our lawyers strengthens our ability to evaluate issues confronting our clients and to communicate effectively on their behalf in any setting. And because every client is a client of the firm, not of any specific lawyer, every client has the ability to call on any of our lawyers as needed.

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  • Lawyers and Law Firms
  • Business and Corporate Law
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