Cue Connect
Founded in 2015, Based in New York City, Cue has set out to advance the way people shop from all over the world. It was built by a team of an innovative, smart, and highly creative people who had a vision of how great shopping could be, by advancing the ways people already shop today. Cue provides software that gives retailers the ability to get to know their customers and deliver on exactly the things they want. It uncovers insights directly from the things shop
Computer Software
10 - 50
New York, NY, United States

Founded in 2015, Based in New York City, Cue has set out to advance the way people shop from all over the world. It was built by a team of an innovative, smart, and highly creative people who had a vision of how great shopping could be, by advancing the ways people already shop today. Cue provides software that gives retailers the ability to get to know their customers and deliver on exactly the things they want. It uncovers insights directly from the things shoppers are engaging with and can identify influencers, create personalized offers, and reward loyalty. ItÍs a central hub of shopping data that is quickly changing how the retail industry does business.

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  • Basic Chemicals
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They are headquartered at New York, NY, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Cue Connect works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.