D. E. Shaw Research
D. E. Shaw Research is an independent research laboratory that conducts basic scientific research in the field of computational biochemistry under the direct scientific leadership of David Shaw, who serves as its Chief Scientist. Our team has designed and built a massively parallel special-purpose supercomputer that can execute molecular dynamics simulations on time scales orders of magnitude longer than those that were previously computationally accessible. Our simulations have shed new light on biomolecular phenomena such as protein folding, protein dynamics, and protein-drug interactions, and our work has received numerous awards in the past several years, including two ACM Gordon Bell Prizes and several Best Papers at major high-performance and supercomputing conferences. This is an ambitious, long-term project with the potential to transform the process of drug discovery. Members of the lab include computational chemists and biologists, computer scientists and applied mathematicians, and computer architects and engineers, all working collaboratively within a tightly coupled interdisciplinary research environment. For more information on the group and a list of open positions, please visit: www.deshawresearch.com
50 - 200
New York, NY, United States

D. E. Shaw Research is an independent research laboratory that conducts basic scientific research in the field of computational biochemistry under the direct scientific leadership of David Shaw, who serves as its Chief Scientist.

Our team has designed and built a massively parallel special-purpose supercomputer that can execute molecular dynamics simulations on time scales orders of magnitude longer than those that were previously computationally accessible. Our simulations have shed new light on biomolecular phenomena such as protein folding, protein dynamics, and protein-drug interactions, and our work has received numerous awards in the past several years, including two ACM Gordon Bell Prizes and several Best Papers at major high-performance and supercomputing conferences. This is an ambitious, long-term project with the potential to transform the process of drug discovery.

Members of the lab include computational chemists and biologists, computer scientists and applied mathematicians, and computer architects and engineers, all working collaboratively within a tightly coupled interdisciplinary research environment.

For more information on the group and a list of open positions, please visit: www.deshawresearch.com

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