daa is responsible for the operation and management of Dublin and Cork airports and also has a major international business. daa's subsidiaries include the global travel retail company ARI and daa International. daa is owned by the Irish State but is a fully commercial company which receives no funding from the Exchequer. Headquartered at Dublin Airport, the company employs 3,600 people in Ireland and overseas. We aim to deliver a quality airport travel experien
1,000 - 5,000
Dublin, Ireland

daa is responsible for the operation and management of Dublin and Cork airports and also has a major international business.

daa's subsidiaries include the global travel retail company ARI and daa International. daa is owned by the Irish State but is a fully commercial company which receives no funding from the Exchequer.

Headquartered at Dublin Airport, the company employs 3,600 people in Ireland and overseas. We aim to deliver a quality airport travel experience to the best international standards. In total, more than 30 million passengers used Dublin and Cork airports during 2016.

ARI operates award-winning travel retail outlets in North America, Europe, the Middle East, India and New Zealand. It also has airport investments at DŸsseldorf, Larnaca and Paphos airports. daa International operates Terminal 5 at King Khaled International Airport in Saudi Arabia.

Turnover in 2016 was Û793 million and the Group had after tax profits of Û107.5 million before exceptional items.

The combination of our airports, airport management contracts, retail outlets and investments mean that daa Group provides services to more than 135 million passengers per year in 11 countries across Europe, the Middle East, North America, India and Australasia.

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Mobile App Data
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| わくわくボタン
  • 3 SDKs
  • 3.9 Avg. Rating
  • 18 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/da-a/id398905181
  • App Support: http://iruka.daa.jp/category/app/
  • Genre: Education
  • Bundle ID: jp.daa.iruka.BrushRoute
  • App Size: 6.29 M
  • Version: 1.24
  • Release Date: October 26th, 2010
  • Update Date: May 17th, 2011


"BrushRoute" is an application for the infant to practice strokes of the brush.
This is made by papa and mama having three-year-old child.
Children can voluntarily learn the strokes of the brush through this game.
I recommends this for parents who having a children who likes vehicles.
-- Feature 1. "Intuitive operation"
-- Feature 2. "Practice from the easier"
-- Feature 3. "Design for infant"
The dotted line is pulled between the vehicle (starting point) and the flag (goal point). When you trace line, stars appear.
You arrived at the flag, road appear and vehicle runs on the road.
It is a very intuitive operation for children!
The menu is usually locked in preparation for your child's mistakes.
If it is unlocked, you can choose the character, and can repeat one.
The opinion and the demand are very welcomes.
please e-mail "nekotoiruka@hotmail.co.jp" or tweet "nekotoiruka".
please review this app too.

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Reviews (Newest First)


May 02, 2013


かわいい! 音量調節、できないと評価下げてる方が多いですが、iPodでは、できていますよ? 本体のボタンでなく、設定のほうで、ですが。


Nov 08, 2012

Cute app!

Simple, fun, and free.


Oct 15, 2012


レビューみて音量の調節できないっていうのは覚悟のうえだったけど、想像以上にデカくてビックリした… 家でも遊ばせるけど公共の場だったり静かにしてて欲しいところで使うことが多いので☆1。 音量の調節さえできればなぁ。。。


Mar 23, 2012




Feb 21, 2012


3歳の娘の文字の練習用に良さそうと思ったのですが、きれいに点線をなぞって旗まで辿り着いても、道が出来ず星が消えてしまったり、なぞっている最中に突然ダウンしてしまったりします。 数字の練習バージョンは子供もとても楽しんで使っていただけに残念です。きちんと機能すればとても良い字の練習になるのに…


Jan 07, 2012


The framework can use your project, you just need to create UI(View、Cell、CollectionViewCell) whatever it is, it will be.
InAppSettingsKit (IASK) is an open source framework to easily add in-app settings to your iOS or Catalyst apps. Normally iOS apps use the Settings.bundle resource to add app-specific settings in the Settings app. InAppSettingsKit takes advantage of the same bundle and allows you to present the same settings screen within your app. So the user has the choice where to change the settings.
TODO: Add long description of the pod here.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
They are headquartered at Dublin, Ireland, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Daa works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Floodlight Counter, DoubleClick.Net.