Decisio Health, Inc.
Decisio Health is focused on fulfilling the Quadruple Aim of Healthcare: ¥ Improve population outcomes ¥ Lower the cost of care ¥ Enhance the patient care experience ¥ Progress the clinician's work-life experience We do this two ways, with DECISIOInsight, our Clinical Surveillance Visualization System, which uses your organizationÕs clinical protocols and physiological parameters, at a unit level, to drive patient safety through real-time Clinical Decisio Support at the bedside or remotely. DECISIOInsight enables clinicians to monitor patients on a single screen, easily accessible from compatible web browsers, be it on a television, smartphone, tablet, or computer. Having the right actionable information at the right time simply saves lives. Through DECISIOIntel, our analytics engine, we can unlock clinical data at the minutia level to help identify areas of process and workflow improvement to better fulfill the Quadruple Aim of Care. Additionally, DECISIOInsight is a vendor agnostic, web-native" FDA 510(k) class II medical device.
Hospital & Health Care
10 - 50
Houston, TX, United States

Decisio Health is focused on fulfilling the Quadruple Aim of Healthcare:
¥ Improve population outcomes
¥ Lower the cost of care
¥ Enhance the patient care experience
¥ Progress the clinician's work-life experience
We do this two ways, with DECISIOInsight, our Clinical Surveillance Visualization System, which uses your organizationÕs clinical protocols and physiological parameters, at a unit level, to drive patient safety through real-time Clinical Decisio Support at the bedside or remotely. DECISIOInsight enables clinicians to monitor patients on a single screen, easily accessible from compatible web browsers, be it on a television, smartphone, tablet, or computer. Having the right actionable information at the right time simply saves lives.
Through DECISIOIntel, our analytics engine, we can unlock clinical data at the minutia level to help identify areas of process and workflow improvement to better fulfill the Quadruple Aim of Care. Additionally, DECISIOInsight is a vendor agnostic, web-native" FDA 510(k) class II medical device.

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They are headquartered at Houston, TX, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Decisio Health, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.