Dekalb Medical
With more than 800 doctors skilled in 55 medical specialties, DeKalb Medical combines cutting-edge technology with compassion to effectively diagnose and treat our patients. A leader in cancer, heart attack treatment and orthopedics, the DeKalb Medical system has been growing with metro-AtlantaÍs medical needs for 50 years. The 627-bed not-for-profit health system includes DeKalb Medical at North Decatur (451 beds), DeKalb Medical Long Term Acute Care
Hospital & Health Care
5,000 - 10,000
Decatur, GA, United States

With more than 800 doctors skilled in 55 medical specialties, DeKalb Medical combines cutting-edge technology with compassion to effectively diagnose and treat our patients. A leader in cancer, heart attack treatment and orthopedics, the DeKalb Medical system has been growing with metro-AtlantaÍs medical needs for 50 years. The 627-bed not-for-profit health system includes DeKalb Medical at North Decatur (451 beds), DeKalb Medical Long Term Acute Care at Downtown Decatur (76 beds), DeKalb Medical at Hillandale (100 beds) and the DeKalb Medical Physicians Group. Committed to pushing beyond to excel in patient satisfaction and service, our quality is reflected in many clinical excellence awards throughout our three-hospital system. Like us at

DeKalb Medical has made substantial investments in infrastructure and implemented significant improvements to achieve the outstanding patient outcomes. This includes the full implementation of electronic medical records, which reduce medical errors and enable doctors to better manage patient care. DeKalb Medical has also established the DeKalb Quality Institute, where best practices are researched and applied by physicians and the entire clinical team. The new Center for Nursing Practice was established to research and apply the highest standards of nursing practice.

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Dekalb Medical
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