Deltahealth China
DeltaHealth China is an innovative healthcare provider majority held by FGPA and its related party, Moonray Investors, the principal investment arm of FIL Limited. Our aim is to transform ChinaÍs medical care and to create an innovative healthcare experience to patients in China by providing a world-class patient-centric integrated medical facility. DeltaHealth China plans to achieve this by bringing together domestic and international medical expertise to build
Hospital & Health Care
200 - 500
Shanghai, China
Deltahealth China

DeltaHealth China is an innovative healthcare provider majority held by FGPA and its related party, Moonray Investors, the principal investment arm of FIL Limited. Our aim is to transform ChinaÍs medical care and to create an innovative healthcare experience to patients in China by providing a world-class patient-centric integrated medical facility. DeltaHealth China plans to achieve this by bringing together domestic and international medical expertise to build an advanced disease management system, to employ international standard clinical protocols and to nurture a team of high quality physicians.

The medical service institutions of DeltaHealth China includes a cardiovascular focused general hospital„DeltaHealth Shanghai Hospital and its downtown clinic network. The integrated medical care system developed by DeltaHealth includes end-to-end cardiovascular disease management and patient-centric oriented personalized medical care. This covers a full spectrum of cardiovascular services, offering seamless and integrated patient care from screening, diagnosis, treatment, through to rehabilitation, and all-around care for physical to mental health support from a multidisciplinary clinical team. DeltaHealth plans to promote its integrated medical care platform to patients with cardiovascular diseases in Shanghai and throughout the Yangtze Delta Region by developing a network of cardiovascular- focused clinics. These will provide pre-screening, outpatient and post-surgery rehabilitation and ongoing care in support of the hospital.

To ensure a new level of medical excellence and patient care, DeltaHealth entered into an agreement with the Divisions of Cardiac Surgery and Cardiology of Columbia University and Columbia's HeartSource, a global leader in Cardiology and Heart Surgery, to develop a cardiovascular platform in China.

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They are headquartered at Shanghai, China, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.