Deutsche Bank
As a leading global bank with roots in Germany, weÍre driving change and innovation in the industry _ championing integrity, sustainable performance and innovation with our clients, and redefining our culture and relationships with each other. With operations in over 70 countries, we encourage our people to think for themselves and reward integrity. Our large but focused footprint gives us a strong position in Europe plus a significant presence in the Americas an
Investment Banking
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen

As a leading global bank with roots in Germany, weÍre driving change and innovation in the industry _ championing integrity, sustainable performance and innovation with our clients, and redefining our culture and relationships with each other.

With operations in over 70 countries, we encourage our people to think for themselves and reward integrity. Our large but focused footprint gives us a strong position in Europe plus a significant presence in the Americas and Asia Pacific. We offer clients commercial and investment banking, retail banking and transaction banking as well as ground-breaking asset and wealth management products and services. We are structured around the four types of clients that we serve _ institutions, corporates, fiduciaries, and private clients _ and devolve greater responsibility, along with consequent accountability, to our four business divisions: Corporate & Investment Banking, Global Markets, Deutsche Asset Management, and Private, Wealth & Commercial Clients.

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  • 43 SDKs
  • 4.62 Avg. Rating
  • 61 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Finance
  • Bundle ID:
  • App Size: 163 M
  • Version: 1.17.2
  • Release Date: April 25th, 2016
  • Update Date: October 25th, 2018


Deutsche Bank Mobile offers state-of-the-art banking in a new design - combined with simple and intuitive navigation. Do banking securely and quickly while on the move and keep track of your other banks' accounts.

Convince yourself and test Deutsche Bank Mobile now without an account at Deutsche Bank in demo mode.

• Supporting Apple Pay for worldwide payments
• Financial overview with interactive transactions
• Finance Planner including Multi Banking
• Branch and ATM finder
• Account balance, transfers, standing orders and photo transfers
• Returning direct debits
• Security through combination with photoTAN app
• Digital postbox for bank documents
• eSafe document and password manager
• Securities accounts and securities trading
• Siri transfers
• Touch ID or Face ID login
• 3D Touch for quick access to key features
• Personalization of the background
• ""Try Demo"" button

With Deutsche Bank Mobile, you can do your banking easily and securely from anywhere.

Authenticate yourself with Touch ID or Face ID and get a quick overview of your transactions. Not only from Deutsche Bank accounts, thanks to optional Multi Banking also from all accounts and credit cards of your other financial institutions, such as Sparkasse, Commerzbank, Postbank, DKB, Volksbank and Raiffeisen Bank, PayPal, VISA and MasterCard (e.g. offers from ADAC, Amazon, Miles & More etc.).

The financial summary shows all accounts, cards, and accounts in an interactive graph. After clicking on the transactions, a detailed view opens.

In the account balance history you can then simply run your finger through the development of your account balances - even in a period of your choosing.

If you have activated the Deutsche Bank Financial Planner, your transactions are automatically categorized and displayed in the app. This allows you to monitor your budgets and stay on top of your finances.

Send money to your friends in a few clicks, without typing in recipient data. For transfers and standing orders you can conveniently use transfer templates from your online banking, the security is guaranteed through the combination with the photoTAN app. With the photo transfer, you can easily photograph invoices and transfer orders - the relevant data is recognized immediately and sent to the transfer screen. It is only quicker to use Siri - simply by voice command.

The securities account overview shows all accounts divided into asset classes, as well as further detailed information. You can buy and sell securities directly from the app and view your order book and your trades.

Use the ATM finder and find a Deutsche Bank branch near you or the closest Cash Group ATM.

After successful registration in online banking, you can now also use the Deutsche Bank eSafe in the app and manage your documents and passwords on the go.

The Touch ID or Face ID login offers a simple and secure way to log in and make transfers with just a few clicks in combination with the photoTAN app (as of version 2.1.6).

With the 3D Touch function from the iPhone 6s, you can press the ""Deutsche Bank Mobile"" app icon to immediately access the SEPA transfer or create a contact for transferring to friends.

Personalize the app and upload as a background a photo from your gallery and decide for yourself what your banking app looks like.

Deutsche Bank Mobile is optimized from the iPhone 5.

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Reviews (Newest First)


Nov 01, 2017

Bitte auch für das iPad!

Die App ist super! Wenn es sie jetzt noch als native App für das iPad gäbe, wäre das Klasse. Ich zumindest nutze mein iPad mehr als mein iPhone für meine Finanzen.


May 01, 2017

Super chicke App, Feedback wird aufgenommen!

Top Design der neuen App! Feedback, welche Funktionen noch fehlten, wird ungesetzt! So muss das sein! Jetzt nämlich mit Daueraufträgen und den alten Überweisungsvorlagen! So kann ich diese sehr moderne App super nutzen und die alte ersetzen! Ganz neu dazu gekommen sind andere Banken für eine Gesamtübersicht. Noch zwei Punkte für die Zukunft: Bausparverträge wären noch topp! Und die Passwörter der anderen Banken müssen abspeicherbar sein...


Mar 01, 2017


Die App wird kontinuierlich besser. Der Funktionsumfang sollte weiter ausgebaut werden, v.a. der Finanzplaner kann noch verbessert werden im Sinne einer stärkeren Granularisierung. Das neue Multi-Banking ist gelungen. Kann aber nur über den Desktop-PC angelegt werden (?). Insgesamt besticht die App durch elegantes, schlichtes und gleichsam funktionales Design. Bitte so weitermachen, dann überlege ich mir den Wechsel zu einer Direktbank nochmal.


Jan 25, 2017

Trojanisches Pferd???

Die App ist optisch sehr gelungen. Dennoch möchte ich dazu anregen, das MultiBanking einmal kritisch zu hinterfragen. Denn um es zu aktivieren, muss man zuerst die Zugänge zu all seinen Fremdkonten auf der OnlineBanking-Website der Deutschen Bank hinterlegen. Die Deutsche Bank hat sich in letzter Zeit nicht gerade das Vertrauen seiner Kunden verdient und nun erwartet man tatsächlich, dass man ihr auch noch seine Fremdkonten offenlegt? Wer garantiert uns, dass sie dadurch nicht auch Zugriff auf die Umsätze dieser Konten haben? Schließlich ist für uns nicht nachvollziehbar, welchen Weg die abgerufenen Daten gehen.


Jan 21, 2017

Schöne App - fehlende Funktion

Die App ist schön gemacht aber leider fehlt die in großen Anzeigen der Deutschen Bank beworbene Multibanking-Funktion. Das geht aus meiner Sicht gar nicht - daher auch nur 2 Sterne.


Jan 18, 2017

Der Anfang ist gemacht.

Sehr schön das App is in 2016 angekommen, doch leider fehlen die Funktionen aus dem Vorgänger und es kann ruhig noch erweitert werden. Sonst top schnell gutes Design! Wo bleibt der Rest? Noch is das alte besser auch wenn es ein schlechteste Design hat.
Passkit Framework
Create, distribute, and update passes for the Wallet app. Request and process Apple Pay payments in your app. The PassKit framework lets you add and manage passes in the user’s Wallet app. The Wallet app allows users to organize their boarding passes, tickets, gift cards, and loyalty cards. Using the PassKit framework, you can add passes to Wallet and have these passes appear on the user’s lock screen based on the time and place when the pass is relevant. You can also update a pass’s content using push notifications. Additionally, Wallet manages the user’s credit cards for Apple Pay. The PassKit framework also supports in-app payments for physical goods and services using Apple Pay. For digital goods and services delivered within the app, see In-App Purchase Programming Guide instead.
Safari Services
Use the Safari Services framework to integrate Safari behaviors into your iOS app.
StoreKit enables users to embed a store in their app. It also process financial transactions associated with the purchase of content and services.
WatchConnectivity Fram...
The Watch Connectivity framework (WatchConnectivity.framework) provides a two-way communications conduit between an iOS app and a WatchKit extension on a paired Apple Watch. Apps use this framework to pass files and data back and forth. Most transfers happen in the background when the receiving app is inactive. When the app wakes up, it is notified of any data that arrived while it was inactive. Live communication is also possible when both apps are active.
WatchKit Framework
Construct and manage your app’s user interface for watchOS. Respond to events generated by interface objects, gestures, and the system. The WatchKit framework (WatchKit.framework) contains the classes that a WatchKit extension uses to manipulate the interface of a Watch app. A Watch app contains one or more interface controllers, each of which can have tables, buttons, sliders, and other types of visual elements. The WatchKit extension uses the classes of this framework to configure those visual elements and to respond to user interactions.
Core Data
The Map Kit framework provides an interface for embedding maps directly into your own windows and views. This framework also provides support for annotating the map, adding overlays, and performing reverse-geocoding lookups to determine placemark information for a given map coordinate.
Render advanced 3D graphics and perform data-parallel computations. Get fine-grained access to the GPU while minimizing CPU overhead. The Metal Framework provides extremely low-overhead access to the GPU, enabling incredibly high performance for your sophisticated graphics rendering and computational tasks. Metal eliminates many performance bottlenecks—such as costly state validation—that are found in traditional graphics APIs. Metal moves all expensive state translation and compilation operations out of the critical path of your most performance sensitive rendering code. It provides precompiled shaders, state objects, and explicit command scheduling to ensure that your application achieves the highest possible performance and efficiency. Graphics, compute, and blit commands can be used together seamlessly and efficiently. Metal is specifically designed to exploit modern architectural considerations, such as multiprocessing and shared memory, to make it easy to parallelize the creation of GPU commands.
Swift Metal
Swift SIMD
The Message UI framework provides specialized view controllers for presenting standard composition interfaces for email and SMS (Short Messaging Service) text messages. Use these interfaces to add message delivery capabilities without requiring the user to leave your app.
WebKit provides a set of classes to display web content in windows, and implements browser features such as following links when clicked by the user, managing a back-forward list, and managing a history of pages recently visited.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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