Receiving blood is receiving life. DIAGASTÍs goal is to help healthcare professionals transmit life with the help of the best blood group determination technologies. Even though it is not always a matter of life and death, transfusion errors are never acceptable. Over the last 30 years, DIAGAST has developed unparalleled expertise and know-how in the transfusion sector. DIAGAST develops, manufactures and markets reagents (for blood group determination), miniaturized laboratories for manual analysis and automated systems. DIAGAST also ensures the research, manufacturing and marketing of all its products. Moreover, DIAGAST offers a wide range of related services, such as a training center for their automated systems, a hotline and on-site follow-up on automaton calibration. We even make control and measurement tools available over the Internet. DIAGAST is now the worldwide leader in the marketing and development of reagents and instrumentation systems that aim to ensure donor and patient compatibility during blood transfusions.
Medical Devices
50 - 200
Loos, France

Receiving blood is receiving life. DIAGASTÍs goal is to help healthcare professionals transmit life with the help of the best blood group determination technologies. Even though it is not always a matter of life and death, transfusion errors are never acceptable.
Over the last 30 years, DIAGAST has developed unparalleled expertise and know-how in the transfusion sector. DIAGAST develops, manufactures and markets reagents (for blood group determination), miniaturized laboratories for manual analysis and automated systems.

DIAGAST also ensures the research, manufacturing and marketing of all its products. Moreover, DIAGAST offers a wide range of related services, such as a training center for their automated systems, a hotline and on-site follow-up on automaton calibration. We even make control and measurement tools available over the Internet.

DIAGAST is now the worldwide leader in the marketing and development of reagents and instrumentation systems that aim to ensure donor and patient compatibility during blood transfusions.

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They are headquartered at Loos, France, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.