Why Us _ Knowledge | Experience | Passion Our leader and founder, Lisa Maier started DirectiveGroup with a focus on helping successful companies become dominant in their market. Not just improve revenue, but become DOMINANT in their market. To do this you need to have a clear understanding of the business goals and objectives, channels of distribution, competitive landscape and the skills to bring all that information together in a digital marketing stra
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
Tampa, FL, United States

Why Us _ Knowledge | Experience | Passion

Our leader and founder, Lisa Maier started DirectiveGroup with a focus on helping successful companies become dominant in their market. Not just improve revenue, but become DOMINANT in their market.
To do this you need to have a clear understanding of the business goals and objectives, channels of distribution, competitive landscape and the skills to bring all that information together in a digital marketing strategy that produces consistent, significant ROI results.

Our Secret Sauce - Deliver the right message to the right audience, at the right time, in the right place.
We take these actionable steps:

1. Create a message about your value proposition that tells your story with a voice that is clear, consistent, compelling.
2. Understand the powers of working cross-platforms. Align messaging with headlines, keyphrases, images, and videos.
3. Enjoy the cost savings and increased overall performance when you embrace the omnichannel/multi-channel experience, combined with a single firm offering of all services.
4. Finally, respect customer and consumer preference by providing information in the formats/platforms they prefer. Analysis + Strategy + Tactics Implementation + Data-Driven Optimization = High ROI.

If you seek just a vendor, we are not likely a good choice for you. But if you seek a relentlessly results-focused, excellence-bound strategic partner that you mostly like, but that can be annoyingly nerdy at times, we are for you.

We are not here to help you do ïgood enough.Í With our help, you can dominate your industry.

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  • University of Pittsburgh
They are headquartered at Tampa, FL, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Directivegroup works with Advertising technology companies such as Marchex, DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, LinkedIn Ads, Bizo.