Diversified Technologies, Inc.
Diversified Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets the patented PowerMod» line of high-voltage, solid-state, pulsed power modulators and switching power supplies. DTI's PowerMod technology is the recipient of prestigious local and national awards, and is recognized as a true breakthrough in high-voltage electronic design. The company has shipped hundreds of systems to customers in the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense, leading universities, and private sector companies for a range of applications including semiconductor fabrication, food processing, high energy physics research, medical electronics, and radar. Founded in 1987 by graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DTI's core expertise is in the application of solid state devices, such as IGBTs and FETs, to high power, high voltage opening and closing switches. PowerMod» technology links these devices in series and parallel, and ensures that the load is shared equally so that no single device experiences harmful or destructive voltages. DTI's systems produce the nearly ideal flat-top"_ pulses critical to the performance of many pulsed power applications. Fast rise times and fall times, and unlimited pulse width flexibility make the company's systems easily adaptable to a variety of requirements. DTI switches are replacing tube-based crowbars in accelerators, and driving klystrons, gyrotrons, magnetrons and TWTs in high power RF systems; and also eliminating thyratrons and PFNs in pulsed power applications.
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
50 - 200
Bedford, MA, United States

Diversified Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets the patented PowerMod» line of high-voltage, solid-state, pulsed power modulators and switching power supplies. DTI's PowerMod technology is the recipient of prestigious local and national awards, and is recognized as a true breakthrough in high-voltage electronic design. The company has shipped hundreds of systems to customers in the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense, leading universities, and private sector companies for a range of applications including semiconductor fabrication, food processing, high energy physics research, medical electronics, and radar.

Founded in 1987 by graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DTI's core expertise is in the application of solid state devices, such as IGBTs and FETs, to high power, high voltage opening and closing switches. PowerMod» technology links these devices in series and parallel, and ensures that the load is shared equally so that no single device experiences harmful or destructive voltages.
DTI's systems produce the nearly ideal flat-top"_ pulses critical to the performance of many pulsed power applications. Fast rise times and fall times, and unlimited pulse width flexibility make the company's systems easily adaptable to a variety of requirements. DTI switches are replacing tube-based crowbars in accelerators, and driving klystrons, gyrotrons, magnetrons and TWTs in high power RF systems; and also eliminating thyratrons and PFNs in pulsed power applications.

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They are headquartered at Bedford, MA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Diversified Technologies, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.