DLF has over 68 years of track record of sustained growth, customer satisfaction, and innovation. The company has 294 msf of planned projects with 47 msf of projects under construction. DLF's primary business is development of residential, commercial and retail properties. The company has a unique business model with earnings arising from development and rentals. Its exposure across businesses, segments and geographies, mitigates any down-cycles in the
Real Estate
1,000 - 5,000
New Delhi, India

DLF has over 68 years of track record of sustained growth, customer satisfaction, and innovation. The company has 294 msf of planned projects with 47 msf of projects under construction.

DLF's primary business is development of residential, commercial and retail properties. The company has a unique business model with earnings arising from development and rentals. Its exposure across businesses, segments and geographies, mitigates any down-cycles in the market. From developing 22 major colonies in Delhi, DLF is now present across 15 states-24 cities in India.

The Homes business caters to 3 segments of the residential market - Super Luxury, Luxury and Premium. The product offering involves a wide range of products including condominiums, duplexes, row houses and apartments of varying sizes.

DLF is credited with introducing and pioneering the revolutionary concept of developing commercial complexes in the vicinity of residential areas. DLF has successfully launched commercial complexes and is in the process of marking its presence across various locations in India.

The annuity business of DLF consists of the rental businesses of offices and retail. DLF is a name synonymous with global standards, new generation workspaces and lifestyles. It has the distinction of developing commercial projects and IT parks that are at par with the best in the world. DLF has become a preferred name with many IT & ITES majors and leading Indian and International corporate giants, including GE, IBM, Microsoft, Canon, Citibank, Hewitt, WNS, Bank of America, Cognizant, Infosys, CSC and Symantec, among others.

DLF pioneered the retail revolution in the country and brought about a paradigm shift in the industry by redefining shopping, recreation and leisure experiences with the launch of City Centre in Gurgaon in 2000. The Retail Malls business is a major thrust area for DLF. Currently, DLF is actively creating new shopping and entertainment spaces all over the country.

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