Docklands Chamber Of Commerce
The Docklands Chamber of Commerce is a group of local business people looking after the needs of local businesses. The Chamber shamelessly promotes business of Docklands: through advertising, networking and Business-to-Business promotions, acting primarily on behalf of our members. Together, the Docklands Chamber of Commerce is a strong voice for members, representing YOUR business needs. Docklands Chamber of Commerce listens to business and is the voice heard by the business and Government sectors. The Chamber has the ability to influence representatives of state or local governments, working with key stakeholders to ensure the issues driving economic activity and growth in the Docklands precinct are prioritised on the political agenda.
Marketing and Advertising
1 - 10
Docklands, Victoria, Australia

The Docklands Chamber of Commerce is a group of local business people looking after the needs of local businesses.
The Chamber shamelessly promotes business of Docklands: through advertising, networking and Business-to-Business promotions, acting primarily on behalf of our members.
Together, the Docklands Chamber of Commerce is a strong voice for members, representing YOUR business needs.
Docklands Chamber of Commerce listens to business and is the voice heard by the business and Government sectors. The Chamber has the ability to influence representatives of state or local governments, working with key stakeholders to ensure the issues driving economic activity and growth in the Docklands precinct are prioritised on the political agenda.

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They are headquartered at Docklands, Victoria, Australia, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.