Dreamworks Animation
Over the past 20 years, DreamWorks Animation has introduced the world to a lovable curmudgeonly ogre, a noodle-slurping martial arts obsessed panda, and a bashful yet charismatic Viking hero and his pet dragon. Thanks to movies like Shrek, Kung-Fu Panda, Madagascar, and How To Train Your Dragon to name a few, DreamWorks Animation is recognized as one of the most admired family entertainment brands in the world. Dedicated to helping families dream and laugh together, DreamWorks creates and innovates 3D animated feature films, original TV series, and shorts, interactive media, live entertainment, themed experiences, consumer products, publishing, and trailblazing technology. Put all this together with DreamWorks AnimationsÍ award-winning cast of artists, storytellers, and innovators, and, SKADOOSH _ the result is a daily dose of laughter that comes to life across platforms, continents, and generations. Visit our Careers Page: dreamworksanimation.com/jobs
1,000 - 5,000
Glendale, CA, United States

Over the past 20 years, DreamWorks Animation has introduced the world to a lovable curmudgeonly ogre, a noodle-slurping martial arts obsessed panda, and a bashful yet charismatic Viking hero and his pet dragon. Thanks to movies like Shrek, Kung-Fu Panda, Madagascar, and How To Train Your Dragon to name a few, DreamWorks Animation is recognized as one of the most admired family entertainment brands in the world. Dedicated to helping families dream and laugh together, DreamWorks creates and innovates 3D animated feature films, original TV series, and shorts, interactive media, live entertainment, themed experiences, consumer products, publishing, and trailblazing technology. Put all this together with DreamWorks AnimationsÍ award-winning cast of artists, storytellers, and innovators, and, SKADOOSH _ the result is a daily dose of laughter that comes to life across platforms, continents, and generations.

Visit our Careers Page: dreamworksanimation.com/jobs

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  • 3 SDKs
  • 4.5 Avg. Rating
  • 10 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/dreamworks-animation/id899208541
  • App Support: http://www.dreamworks.com/penguins/
  • Genre: Entertainment
  • Bundle ID: com.dreamworksanimation.penguins
  • App Size: 41.3 M
  • Version: 1.2.1
  • Release Date: July 16th, 2014
  • Update Date: October 3rd, 2014


Smile and wave, boys! You've been entrusted with a super-secret spy app. Use your spy camera to catch the Penguins in action. Report your surveillance for a chance to win awesome prizes! You also have security clearance to eavesdrop on the Penguins super-secret missions.

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Dec 14, 2015


Что делать я незнаю где взять шпионскую камеру где достать пингвинов помогите 😤😤😦😦😤😤😤😤😤

Aug 28, 2015


Lovely penguins~


Oct 25, 2014

Come on 17+ that's insane

It's good but come on 17+ plus this movie is ment for kids


Jul 25, 2014


This app is extremely fun to use!! Whether its with friends or family its loads of fun, but in my opinion the hilarious hashtags seem to top it all off.


Jul 23, 2014

Love these guys

It's fun to just listen to the walkie talkie - sweet little app.

Kia Canning

Jul 23, 2014


This app is great to use with my friends and family!! The #penguinprotection is my new favorite hashtag!
Adobe Air
AIR is a cross-platform framework that can be used in the development of applications and games, with capabilities including a hardware accelerated 3D graphics framework, multimedia and streaming video capabilities, and multi-window business application support. Apps developed in AIR can be deployed onto Windows or MacOS desktop platforms, and Android or iOS mobile platforms, with future plans to reintroduce some Linux capabilities and to address an in-browser solution.
AV Foundation
AVFoundation is the full featured framework for working with time-based audiovisual media on iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS
Core Text provides a low-level programming interface for laying out text and handling fonts. The Core Text layout engine is designed for high performance, ease of use, and close integration with Core Foundation. The text layout API provides high-quality typesetting, including character-to-glyph conversion, with ligatures, kerning, and so on. The complementary Core Text font technology provides automatic font substitution (cascading), font descriptors and collections, easy access to font metrics and glyph data, and many other features.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Dreamworks Animation
Dreamworks Animation
They are headquartered at Glendale, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Dreamworks Animation works with Advertising technology companies such as The Trade Desk, Chango, Videology, Dstillery, AppNexus, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Turn, Atlas, Neustar AdAdvisor, DemDex, BlueKai, Resonate Insights, DoubleClick.Net, Adobe Audience Manager.