Drs And Associates
DRS and Associates dissolves the boundaries between public relations, social media, brand consulting and marketing to position ourselves as a forward-thinking content generating, brand-engagement agency. Our approach lets us explore unique avenues of developing written and visual content. As globally recognized experts in the Architecture and Design market, we excel in converting creative energy into digital and print materials that target luxury lifestyle
Public Relations and Communications
10 - 50
Studio City, CA, United States
Drs And Associates

DRS and Associates dissolves the boundaries between public relations, social media, brand consulting and marketing to position ourselves as a forward-thinking content generating, brand-engagement agency. Our approach lets us explore unique avenues of developing written and visual content. As globally recognized experts in the Architecture and Design market, we excel in converting creative energy into digital and print materials that target luxury lifestyle consumers as well as the architectural, interior design, hospitality and building products arenas. We have offices in Los Angeles, Boston and New York, often acting as an extension of our clientsäó» sales and marketing team by developing strategic communication programs, direct and digital marketing campaigns, advertising and comprehensive, experiential branding.

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They are headquartered at Studio City, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.