Dvsanalytics, Inc.
dvsAnalytics is a leading provider of enterprise workforce optimization software that enables organizations to improve their contact center performance while enhancing the customer experience. The companyÍs EncoreTM Suite includes comprehensive applications for call and screen recording, 360Á quality management, desktop & speech analytics, and workforce management. EncoreÍs deep, certified integrations with the industry-leading communication plat
50 - 200
Scottsdale, AZ, United States

dvsAnalytics is a leading provider of enterprise workforce optimization software that enables organizations to improve their contact center performance while enhancing the customer experience. The companyÍs EncoreTM Suite includes comprehensive applications for call and screen recording, 360Á quality management, desktop & speech analytics, and workforce management.

EncoreÍs deep, certified integrations with the industry-leading communication platforms, such as Avaya, Cisco, Mitel, NEC, ShoreTel and Siemens, deliver added features and functionality to guarantee recordings and improve reporting. Innovative and intuitive, Encore features automated coaching, web-based customer surveys, dynamic playlists, compliance tools, mobile access and on-the-fly optimization of contact center agent schedules.

For over 30 years, dvsAnalytics has been successfully delivering these solutions to clients in healthcare, government, hospitality, financial services and contact centers across all industries. From its innovative solutions to exceptional support, customers and resellers find that doing business with dvsAnalytics is a pleasant and profitable experience. Learn more at www.dvsAnalytics.com.

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| EncoreMobile
  • 0 SDKs
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/dvsanalytics-inc-/id979958826
  • App Support: http://www.dvsanalytics.com/about/contact
  • Genre: Business
  • Bundle ID: com.dvsAnalytics.encoremobile
  • App Size: 5.67 M
  • Version:
  • Release Date: June 11th, 2015
  • Update Date: June 11th, 2015


The EncoreMobile application works in conjunction with the Encore Workforce Optimization server software to dramatically improve agent coaching by delivering the ability to monitor agents’ recorded calls from a mobile device and add verbal or typed annotations to the recordings.

Traditionally, call monitoring has been a process whereby supervisors randomly select calls to monitor from a phone connected to the PBX and/or their desktop. Available to any business using Encore call recording, EncoreMobile turns random monitoring into meaningful-specific monitoring and accommodates on-the-go managers who can’t be tied to their desk.

Live monitoring conversations can be a significant coaching opportunity for Quality Management and Supervisors. However, traditional monitoring features have no way of identifying what calls to monitor and no automated mechanism for adding notes or commentary to the conversation. EncoreMobile solves these problems by:
• Color coding conversations that meet pre-defined parameters
• Delivering views of team activity, highlighting agents with longest wait or talk times
• Allowing managers to add typed notes in any section of call
• Providing the capability to also add ‘voice annotation’ or verbal commentary

EncoreMobile requires Encore Workforce Optimization system, version 6.0.2 or greater and an Encore Live Monitor license. Please contact your dvsAnalytics representative for more details.

EncoreMobile is compatible with all mobile devices with iOS 7.1 and higher.

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Dvsanalytics, Inc.
They are headquartered at Scottsdale, AZ, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Dvsanalytics, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense for Search, Google Remarketing, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, LinkedIn Ads.