Education Management Corporation, with approximately 119,500 students as of April 2014, is among the largest providers of post-secondary education in North America, based on student enrollment and revenue, with a total of 110 locations in 32 U.S. states and Canada. The company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, offers academic programs to students through campus-based and online instruction, or through a combination of both. The company is committed to offering quality academic programs and strives to improve the learning experience for its students. Its educational institutions offer students the opportunity to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees and certain specialized non-degree diplomas in a broad range of disciplines, including media arts, health sciences, design, psychology and behavioral sciences, culinary, business, fashion, legal, education and information technology. EDMC faculty are skilled instructors and trained professionals in their fields. Many faculty have extensive industry experience as well as the necessary academic qualifications. EDMC has proudly provided career-focused education for more than 40 years. Our value system is founded in the belief that excellence in education is measured by practical outcomes that enhance the lives of our students, enabling them to make important contributions in their workplace and in their communities. For years, our faculty and staff have been committed to educating students who care about the world around them, and strive to contribute in meaningful ways. Wherever an EDMC school can be found „ a big city or a small town, the common thread that joins our schools and our students is the value of education in one's own career and life.
Education Management
> 10,000
Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Education Management Corporation, with approximately 119,500 students as of April 2014, is among the largest providers of post-secondary education in North America, based on student enrollment and revenue, with a total of 110 locations in 32 U.S. states and Canada. The company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, offers academic programs to students through campus-based and online instruction, or through a combination of both. The company is committed to offering quality academic programs and strives to improve the learning experience for its students. Its educational institutions offer students the opportunity to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees and certain specialized non-degree diplomas in a broad range of disciplines, including media arts, health sciences, design, psychology and behavioral sciences, culinary, business, fashion, legal, education and information technology. EDMC faculty are skilled instructors and trained professionals in their fields. Many faculty have extensive industry experience as well as the necessary academic qualifications.

EDMC has proudly provided career-focused education for more than 40 years. Our value system is founded in the belief that excellence in education is measured by practical outcomes that enhance the lives of our students, enabling them to make important contributions in their workplace and in their communities. For years, our faculty and staff have been committed to educating students who care about the world around them, and strive to contribute in meaningful ways. Wherever an EDMC school can be found „ a big city or a small town, the common thread that joins our schools and our students is the value of education in one's own career and life.

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They are headquartered at Pittsburgh, PA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Edmc works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense, Google Adsense for Domains.