EPCOS, a TDK Group Company, develops, manufactures and markets electronic components and systems, focusing on fast-growing leading-edge technology markets, which include automotive electronics, industrial electronics and consumer electronics as well as information and communications technology. Thanks to the 23,000 employees at some 20 design and production locations and an extensive sales network, the company is globally positioned _ beyond the provision of standard products _ to work closely with customers and create the right solutions for them. Products The diverse range of EPCOS components, modules and systems includes capacitors, ferrites and inductors, piezo and protection devices, as well as sensors. Electronic components and systems are found today in almost every item of electrical equipment, where they are essential for guaranteeing perfect functionality. They perform key functions in cars and trucks, industrial machine tools and in electric railways, wind farms and photovoltaic plants, as well as in washing machines, LED lamps, smartphones, notebooks and televisions. In all these applications EPCOS solutions ensure the supply of power, protect electronic circuits and ensure their fault-free operation.
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

EPCOS, a TDK Group Company, develops, manufactures and markets electronic components and systems, focusing on fast-growing leading-edge technology markets, which include automotive electronics, industrial electronics and consumer electronics as well as information and communications technology. Thanks to the 23,000 employees at some 20 design and production locations and an extensive sales network, the company is globally positioned _ beyond the provision of standard products _ to work closely with customers and create the right solutions for them.


The diverse range of EPCOS components, modules and systems includes capacitors, ferrites and inductors, piezo and protection devices, as well as sensors.

Electronic components and systems are found today in almost every item of electrical equipment, where they are essential for guaranteeing perfect functionality. They perform key functions in cars and trucks, industrial machine tools and in electric railways, wind farms and photovoltaic plants, as well as in washing machines, LED lamps, smartphones, notebooks and televisions. In all these applications EPCOS solutions ensure the supply of power, protect electronic circuits and ensure their fault-free operation.

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