Our Institution of Higher Education EPHEC (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) was founded in 1969 by professionals who wanted to offer practical education to junior line executives. EPHEC continually interacts with the professional world. A close link to the world of business is a basic pedagogical principle in all the educational programmes we offer. EPHEC prepares students for success in their future careers emphasizing the need for c
Higher Education
200 - 500
Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium

Our Institution of Higher Education EPHEC (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) was founded in 1969 by professionals who wanted to offer practical education to junior line executives.

EPHEC continually interacts with the professional world. A close link to the world of business is a basic pedagogical principle in all the educational programmes we offer.

EPHEC prepares students for success in their future careers emphasizing the need for communication, service, an open mind and friendliness.

EPHEC is open to the world. It fully subscribes to the project of a European Area of Higher Education promoting students and staff mobility and aims at forming citizens who will become real actors in the global community.

EPHECÕs Orientation Committee is composed of personalities representing the professional and the academic world. Its mission is to give guidelines on pedagogical issues, to determine the academic level and to make sure the curriculum is oriented towards practical training quickly leading to a qualified job, and towards the development of employability skills within the scope of both full-time and adult education.

Teaching is entrusted to associate lecturers occupying prominent positions in various companies and major sectors of activity (close to 40% of the staff) and to permanent lecturers often with previous business experience (more than 60% of the staff). Both groups cooperate to make sure their training is practical and quickly operational.

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