Overview ERA Singapore has redefined industry standards for real estate concepts, technology, initiatives, and products since its inception in 1982. We have a proud reputation as the preferred real estate brand in Singapore. ERA Singapore is synonymous with providing innovative breakthrough products and services which cater to our clientsÍ every need. ERA Singapore has achieved numerous 1st in the industry including, being 1st to provide a professional real estate training programme, and 1st to reach the milestone of 6,000 salespersons registered on CEA Public Register. As the industry leader, ERA Singapore continues to set industry standards by introducing revolutionary initiatives which have allowed us to accumulate numerous accolades. Being on the cutting edge of the industry for the past three decades has allowed the company to be resilient to financial crises, market downturns, and changes in real estate regulations. ERA Singapore remains committed to our tradition of innovation and service excellence, and will make every effort to elevate our service to both clients and salespersons to greater heights.
Real Estate
Singapore, Singapore


ERA Singapore has redefined industry standards for real estate concepts, technology, initiatives, and products since its inception in 1982. We have a proud reputation as the preferred real estate brand in Singapore. ERA Singapore is synonymous with providing innovative breakthrough products and services which cater to our clientsÍ every need.

ERA Singapore has achieved numerous 1st in the industry including, being 1st to provide a professional real estate training programme, and 1st to reach the milestone of 6,000 salespersons registered on CEA Public Register.

As the industry leader, ERA Singapore continues to set industry standards by introducing revolutionary initiatives which have allowed us to accumulate numerous accolades. Being on the cutting edge of the industry for the past three decades has allowed the company to be resilient to financial crises, market downturns, and changes in real estate regulations.

ERA Singapore remains committed to our tradition of innovation and service excellence, and will make every effort to elevate our service to both clients and salespersons to greater heights.

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They are headquartered at Singapore, Singapore, and have 5 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Era works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, Google Remarketing, LinkedIn Ads.