The Essar group operates a number of world-class assets diversified across the core sectors of energy, metals & mining, infrastructure (comprising ports and EPC businesses) and services (primarily comprising shipping, telecom retail, technology and outsourcing businesses). These assets are controlled by Essar Global Fund Limited, an investment fund managed by its investment manager, Essar Capital Limited. The fund is a global investor and its portfolio companie
Mining & Metals
> 10,000
Mumbai, India

The Essar group operates a number of world-class assets diversified across the core sectors of energy, metals & mining, infrastructure (comprising ports and EPC businesses) and services (primarily comprising shipping, telecom retail, technology and outsourcing businesses). These assets are controlled by Essar Global Fund Limited, an investment fund managed by its investment manager, Essar Capital Limited. The fund is a global investor and its portfolio companies have combined revenues of US$35 Billion. The group employs over 60,000 people across five continents and 29 countries, and has adopted international standards in health, safety, environmental protection and corporate governance.

Over the last four decades, Essar has grown through strategic global acquisitions and partnerships, or through greenfield and brownfield development projects, capturing new markets and discovering new raw material sources. Today, the company has expanded its global footprint, focusing on markets in Asia, Africa, North America and Europe.

Essar invests significantly in the latest technology to drive forward and backward integration in its businesses, and to leverage synergies between these businesses. It also focuses on in-house research and innovation to be a low-cost manufacturer with high quality products and innovative customer offerings.

In its commitment towards social responsibility, EssarÍs initiatives across plant locations, focuses on education, healthcare, environmental and agricultural development, and self-employment. Essar is committed to sustainable business practices. Its ïHealth, Safety and EnvironmentÍ management system is at par with global standards.

Essar is widely regarded as a responsible and conscientious global employer. It has experience in managing businesses in different geographies with a culturally diverse workforce.

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Essar Fleet Plus program is the first digital fleet program. The program offers simple, secure and convenient solution to transporters to manage their fleet and fuel expenses. This app is used by Essar Oil Retail Outlets and Essar Users to carry out enrolments of fleet customers in the fleet program . Transporters and Drivers are both enrolled through this app after authenticating their mobile numbers.

Android API
The Android platform provides a framework API that applications can use to interact with the underlying Android system. The framework API consists of: A core set of packages and classes. A set of permissions that applications can request, as well as permission enforcements included in the system
Apache HttpComponents
The Apache HttpComponents project is responsible for creating and maintaining a toolset of low level Java components focused on HTTP and associated protocols.
Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications
Google Authorization
Google Play services offers a standard authorization flow for all Google APIs and all components of Google Play services. In addition, you can leverage the authorization portion of the Google Play services SDK to gain authorization to services that are not yet supported in the Google Play services platform by using the access token to manually make API requests or using a client library provided by the service provider.
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Google Play Services
Google Play services powers a broad set of SDKs on Android to help you build your app, enhance privacy and security, engage users, and grow your business. These SDKs are unique in that they only require a thin client library to be included in your app, as shown in figure 1. At runtime, the client library communicates with the bulk of the SDK's implementation and footprint in Google Play services.
Google SafetyNet
The SafetyNet API provides access to Google services that help you assess the health and safety of an Android device.
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A software library that provides tools for implementing a parallax effect into Android scroll and list views.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Essar receives up to 0.04M pageviews per day, in countries such as India.

They are headquartered at Mumbai, India, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Essar works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense.