iProspect is the worldÕs leading digital performance marketing agency. With more than 300 employees in Germany across our offices in Augsburg, DŸsseldorf, Hamburg and Wiesbaden, explidoÈiProspect develops innovative marketing solutions for clients such as adidas, o2, Bosch and Thomas Cook. The agency focuses on data-driven strategies and creative digital campaigns. iProspect employs 3000 individuals in 84 offices across 52 countries. Together with our partners such as Google, Facebook and Amazon, explidoÈiProspect creates new standards for digital transformation. explidoÈiProspect is part of the Dentsu Aegis Network, one of the leading agency Networks worldwide for Brand, Media and Communication. Imprint: http://www.explido.com/imprint/
Augsburg, Germany

iProspect is the worldÕs leading digital performance marketing agency.

With more than 300 employees in Germany across our offices in Augsburg, DŸsseldorf, Hamburg and Wiesbaden, explidoÈiProspect develops innovative marketing solutions for clients such as adidas, o2, Bosch and Thomas Cook. The agency focuses on data-driven strategies and creative digital campaigns.

iProspect employs 3000 individuals in 84 offices across 52 countries. Together with our partners such as Google, Facebook and Amazon, explidoÈiProspect creates new standards for digital transformation.

explidoÈiProspect is part of the Dentsu Aegis Network, one of the leading agency Networks worldwide for Brand, Media and Communication.

Imprint: http://www.explido.com/imprint/

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They are headquartered at Augsburg, Germany, and have 10 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Explidoiprospect works with Advertising technology companies such as ExactTarget.