FilmRise is a new distribution company managed by veteran producer/financiers Danny Fisher, Jack Fisher and Alan Klingenstein. FilmRise approaches distribution in a forward-looking way with its emphasis on worldwide digital distribution and online DVD sales, together with traditional distribution models including big-box retail DVD, television licensing and theatrical releases on select films. FilmRise is engaged in an aggressive acquisition strategy that has s
Motion Pictures and Film
10 - 50
Brooklyn, NY, United States

FilmRise is a new distribution company managed by veteran producer/financiers Danny Fisher, Jack Fisher and Alan Klingenstein. FilmRise approaches distribution in a forward-looking way with its emphasis on worldwide digital distribution and online DVD sales, together with traditional distribution models including big-box retail DVD, television licensing and theatrical releases on select films. FilmRise is engaged in an aggressive acquisition strategy that has seen the independent studio hit the ground running with over 2,500 film and television titles in a wide range of genres, from classic television, festival award indies, childrenÕs programming, documentaries, special interest and award-winning foreign language releases.

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