Fit Body Boot Camp Hq
Fit Body Boot Camp is a rapidly growing fitness boot camp franchise with about 500 locations worldwide. We pride ourselves on being the –anti-franchise franchise” because we offer our franchisees a great deal and fanatical marketing, sales, and operations support. With a huge library of done-for-you resources, including sales funnels, marketing videos and graphics, email promotions, workouts, meal plans, and HR documentation, Fit Body Boot Camp is
Health, Wellness and Fitness
10 - 50
Chino Hills, CA, United States

Fit Body Boot Camp is a rapidly growing fitness boot camp franchise with about 500 locations worldwide. We pride ourselves on being the –anti-franchise franchise” because we offer our franchisees a great deal and fanatical marketing, sales, and operations support. With a huge library of done-for-you resources, including sales funnels, marketing videos and graphics, email promotions, workouts, meal plans, and HR documentation, Fit Body Boot Camp is the perfect –business in a box” opportunity.

We offer clients powerful, lasting weight loss transformations using a three part system: workouts, nutrition, and motivation. Our workouts are only 30 minutes long, and they use a specialized version of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to create the Afterburn Effect, which keeps the body body burning fat for up to 32 hours after the workout. With workouts this powerful and convenient, you can always fit your fitness journey into your schedule.

We believe in using food to support your fitness journey, which is why our meal plans give you generous portions and plenty of snacks, all using whole, fresh foods. We are strictly against starvation dieting; we want you to keep eating the foods you love and still enjoy the fat loss benefits of a smart nutrition plan.

Small groups of people united under a single cause can accomplish anything. Thatês why we give you a positive environment with coaches who will follow up with you on a personal level to make sure youêre always on track with your goals. Every step of the way, youêll have a team of coaches and fellow members who truly believe in you there to cheer you on.

To find a boot camp near you, or to look into franchising opportunities, visit our website today:

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| 14 Day Fat Furnace
  • 0 SDKs
  • 14 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Health & Fitness
  • Bundle ID: FitBodyBootCamp.appdev.14DayFatFurnace
  • App Size: 5.55 M
  • Version: 1.0
  • Release Date: March 5th, 2013
  • Update Date: March 5th, 2013


For iOS 6.1 and greater.

Get The Same Fat Burning and Body Toning Workouts That’s Delivered At Fit Body Boot Camp Training Centers Worldwide With The 14 Day Fat Furnace Program - Home Version.
After receiving tremendous demand, Fit Body Boot Camp is proud to announce the release of its  PROVEN 14 Day Fat Furnace Workout Program that you can do right at home.
The 14 Day Fat Furnace Workout Program has been made popular throughout hundreds of Fit Body Boot Camp locations worldwide used by hundreds of thousands of clients who made the decision to lose weight and inches once and for all.
If you’re tired of boring exercise routines and want to try some of the best fitness exercises ever in a follow-along format that’s challenging but fun, then try the Fit Body Boot Camp 14 Day Fat Furnace now! Plus no other workout program melts fat and burns calories like this. In fact the 14 Day Fat Furnace Program will take you into “after-burn”, a metabolic state where you’ll continue to burn calories hours after your workout is compete.
Here’s the best part…
It’s almost Free, but you’d want to pay 10 times its cost because it gets results!
The Fit Body Boot Camp mobile app is so simple to use that you will get on track to a slimmer and healthier you in no-time, and best of all it’s also a “Fit Body Boot Camp locator” to help you find the FBBC center nearest you.

-  30 minute step-by-step instructional “follow-along” exercise videos of the 14 Day Fat Furnace Workout that you can do in the comfort of your own home

-  Trained and certified professional trainer leading you through the exercise and workouts

-  Workouts are specially sequenced and formulated so that you can maximize calorie burn in minimum time

-  Special Nutritional Consultation with fat loss tips to further maximize the benefits of your workouts

-  14 Day Fat Furnace Workout program that has been used by hundreds thousands of clients who have successfully melted fat and kick-started them back to a healthy lifestyle

-  Very User Friendly

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Reviews (Newest First)

Jolu fitness

Apr 18, 2013

Can't hear sound

I'm familiar with the Fit Body Boot Camp workouts and I love them. What I don't love is not being able to get sound on my iPad when I play this app. The app is intended for the iPhone , why??? We need one designed for the iPad or at least fix the sound glitch... I can do the workouts but others not familiar with the exercises will be lost.


Apr 13, 2013

Awesome app

Great workout in case you can't make it to the gym for the day.

Schimmer Family

Mar 21, 2013


I travel all the time and right now this app is helping me in Accra, Ghana.


Mar 16, 2013

Awesome App

This is an awesome app. Great way to have a workout out of town or if you want a quick workout on a day off. Like having a personal trainer at your fingertips!


Mar 14, 2013

Must have fitness app!!!

This is a definite must have app, whether you're in boot camp or not. Love the workout videos and the ability to calculate calorie intake. I use this especially when I'm out of town, or just when I feel like getting a good workout at home. The only thing that I think is missing would be maybe a food journal. Other than that, love this app! This definetly helps keep me on track with my workouts and diets. There's definetly no excuses now!

Jeff Sherman

Mar 13, 2013

Effective and Easy to follow along!

Great 14 day fat burning program that you can do anywhere! Short and intense workouts that only require your body weight. Great job on this app, I highly recommend it!
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