Flame University
FLAME University exists to build an aspirational destination for students and faculty, to push the design and nature of studies and to create a societal upgradation phenomenon particularly in the fields of liberal education and leadership. It has been established as a state private university in Maharashtra. It is a fully philanthropic initiative with an aim contribute to society in a noble manner. FLAME University is the pioneer of liberal education in India. The Unive
Pune, Maharashtra, India

FLAME University exists to build an aspirational destination for students and faculty, to push the design and nature of studies and to create a societal upgradation phenomenon particularly in the fields of liberal education and leadership. It has been established as a state private university in Maharashtra. It is a fully philanthropic initiative with an aim contribute to society in a noble manner.

FLAME University is the pioneer of liberal education in India. The University's main objective is to offer an inter-disciplinary platform of education that provides both breadth and depth in diverse areas of knowledge. The liberal education ethos at FLAME University inculcates leadership and risk-taking abilities in students and focuses on discovering one's passion. The student-centric learning is delivered by esteemed faculty scholars in a world-class campus setting.

FLAME University currently offers undergraduate & postgraduate programmes across various disciplines all anchored in the core ethos of liberal education. The university currently consists of Ð FLAME School of Liberal Education, FLAME School of Business, FLAME School of Communication and FLAME School of Fine & Performing Arts.

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