Flint Hills Resources
Based in Wichita, Kansas, Flint Hills Resources is an independent company and wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., one of the largest private companies in America. According to Forbes magazine, the estimated annual revenues of Koch Industries, Inc. are as high as $100 billion. The company traditionally reinvests 90 percent of earnings back into its businesses ranging from transportation fuels, fertilizers, process and pollution control equipment
Oil & Energy
1,000 - 5,000
Wichita, KS, United States

Based in Wichita, Kansas, Flint Hills Resources is an independent company and wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., one of the largest private companies in America. According to Forbes magazine, the estimated annual revenues of Koch Industries, Inc. are as high as $100 billion. The company traditionally reinvests 90 percent of earnings back into its businesses ranging from transportation fuels, fertilizers, process and pollution control equipment and technologies, minerals, energy, ranching and more.

Building on 60 years of refining and manufacturing experience, we are an industry leader at reducing air emissions. But that is just part of the story. At every turn, we are pursuing new ways to increase safety and eliminate waste. For two years in a row, the Environmental Protection Agency has named Koch Industries the number one U.S.-based parent company in pollution prevention initiatives.

Learn more about Flint Hills Resources by visiting https://www.fhr.com/

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