Flipd Inc.
Flipd is a productivity software company developing engagement tools for students and educators. Our platform includes the Flipd mobile app, a tool that helps students stay focused when they need to, and the Flipd dashboard, which provides educators with the analytics they need to understand and improve the learning environment. Our platform is used by students in over 100 countries around the world and implemented by educators at leading universities
Information Technology and Services
1 - 10
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Flipd is a productivity software company developing engagement tools for students and educators. Our platform includes the Flipd mobile app, a tool that helps students stay focused when they need to, and the Flipd dashboard, which provides educators with the analytics they need to understand and improve the learning environment.

Our platform is used by students in over 100 countries around the world and implemented by educators at leading universities and college campuses across North America. Our team is committed to building effective, innovative, and research-driven solutions that improve engagement and student success.

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Global Rank 659,005
United States Rank 143,049
United States Page Views 47.3%
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Flipd Inc. receives up to 0.005M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Flipd Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences.