Fozzy Group
Fozzy Group is one of the largest trade industrial groups in Ukraine and one of the leading Ukrainian retailers, with over 700 outlets all around the country. Besides retail, the group's businesses include food production, and restaurants. Fozzy Group is introducing modern solutions in all areas of its activity. By investing in improving its business processes, the group has achieved leading positions in the retail market. By performing retail chains logistics through its own distribution centers, Fozzy Group has been able to ensure the timely delivery of food to its stores all over Ukraine. In addition, the group operates its own quality control system, ensuring full compliance with its standards in goods storage, transportation and sale. Since its inception in 1997, Fozzy Group has focused on making innovative business improvements, creating new opportunities for the market and further developing the industry as a whole.
> 10,000
Kyiv, Ukraine

Fozzy Group is one of the largest trade industrial groups in Ukraine and one of the leading Ukrainian retailers, with over 700 outlets all around the country. Besides retail, the group's businesses include food production, and restaurants.

Fozzy Group is introducing modern solutions in all areas of its activity. By investing in improving its business processes, the group has achieved leading positions in the retail market. By performing retail chains logistics through its own distribution centers, Fozzy Group has been able to ensure the timely delivery of food to its stores all over Ukraine. In addition, the group operates its own quality control system, ensuring full compliance with its standards in goods storage, transportation and sale.

Since its inception in 1997, Fozzy Group has focused on making innovative business improvements, creating new opportunities for the market and further developing the industry as a whole.

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Global Rank 474,554
Ukraine Rank 2,523
Ukraine Page Views 94.6%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Beverages
Fozzy Group receives up to 0.07M pageviews per day, in countries such as Ukraine.

They are headquartered at Kyiv, Ukraine, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.