Giive is a social enterprise for sustainable philanthropy. We connect young, talented volunteers with the most impactful charities in their communities. By partnering with schools, community groups and highly efficient nonprofits (those directing 70 percent or more of their charitable intake back to the causes they champion), we empower individuals and businesses to effect social change. Through mixed media, live community events and interactive online calen
Nonprofit Organization Management
1 - 10
Santa Monica, CA, United States

Giive is a social enterprise for sustainable philanthropy. We connect young, talented volunteers with the most impactful charities in their communities. By partnering with schools, community groups and highly efficient nonprofits (those directing 70 percent or more of their charitable intake back to the causes they champion), we empower individuals and businesses to effect social change. Through mixed media, live community events and interactive online calendars, informed volunteers engage with each other and those causes that resonate with them. Our primary focus is to engage with a new generation of volunteers as they create a more compassionate world.

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They are headquartered at Santa Monica, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Giive works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.