Global Brand Private Limited
Global Brand (Pvt.) Limited (GBPL) is a giant IT distributor of Bangladesh.It is the only exclusive distributor of ASUS in Bangladesh since 1996. Global Brand Private Limited provides services and solutions that include distribution of hardware systems, networking products,notebooks,network infrastructure, gaming products, servers, printers, projectors, software,laptops & POS solution. We are the distributors of 40 brands like Asus, Dell, Lenovo, Cisco, LG, Brother, Pa
Information Technology and Services
1,000 - 5,000
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Global Brand Private Limited

Global Brand (Pvt.) Limited (GBPL) is a giant IT distributor of Bangladesh.It is the only exclusive distributor of ASUS in Bangladesh since 1996. Global Brand Private Limited provides services and solutions that include distribution of hardware systems, networking products,notebooks,network infrastructure, gaming products, servers, printers, projectors, software,laptops & POS solution.

We are the distributors of 40 brands like Asus, Dell, Lenovo, Cisco, LG, Brother, Panda, Realview, Qnap, Zebex, Vivitek, A4tech, Micronet, Realview, Power guard, A-data, Mikrotik, Hitachi, Microtek, Huntkey, Totolink, Rapoo, Autucad, Esri, Dessault, etc .For majority of these brands, we have exclusive distributorship for Bangladesh market. We have received 80+ awards from our partners and industry. GBPL designs, develops and delivers technology solutions that enable enterprises to share, maintain, and manage information. The company was formed back in 1996 with a vision is to build a beautiful tomorrow. The company offers today a broad array of services like Project Management (Design, Development and Implement)", "Business Process Reengineering", "Institutional Strengthening and Transfer of Technology", "Survey, Research & Evaluation", "Training and Competence Development" to help businesses increase productivity. GBPL has an active customer base of over 600 including GoB, Local and International Development Agencies, Banking and non banking financial Institutes, Multinational and Local corporate bodies.

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Global Rank 57,072
Bangladesh Rank 241
Bangladesh Page Views 99.2%
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  • Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP
Global Brand Private Limited receives up to 0.19M pageviews per day, in countries such as Bangladesh.

They are headquartered at Dhaka, Bangladesh, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Global Brand Private Limited works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net.