Glowbal Restaurant Group
Glowbal Restaurant Group is all about a more satisfying restaurant experience _ on every level. There is the sense in these iconic places that you are immersed in something fresh, vital and vibrant _ right in the middle of where everyone wants to be. Here, you are truly our guest and taken care of at every moment. In every last one of our locations, in all their variety, that feeling is there. Glowbal Restaurant Group is comprised of: Glowbal, COAST Restaurant,
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Glowbal Restaurant Group

Glowbal Restaurant Group is all about a more satisfying restaurant experience _ on every level. There is the sense in these iconic places that you are immersed in something fresh, vital and vibrant _ right in the middle of where everyone wants to be. Here, you are truly our guest and taken care of at every moment. In every last one of our locations, in all their variety, that feeling is there.

Glowbal Restaurant Group is comprised of: Glowbal, COAST Restaurant, Italian Kitchen (Alberni Street and Park Royal), IK2GO, Trattoria (Kitsilano, Park Royal and Burnaby), Black+Blue, The Roof, The Fish Shack and Nosh (Burnaby and TELUS Garden). The energy, bustle and allure of these celebrated Vancouver restaurants are what most people notice first. In addition, flawless service, exquisite wine lists, and some of the most inventive, celebrated cuisine in Vancouver define every restaurant in the collection.

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  • Lewiston
Glowbal Restaurant Group receives up to 0.05M pageviews per day, in countries such as Canada.

They are headquartered at Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Glowbal Restaurant Group works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences.