JsmeæGreen-Swan Pharmaceuticals. Zab_vàme se distribucÕ l_k_, zdravotnick_ch prost_edk_ a Ï_inn_ch dopl_k_ stravy. Inspirujeme se na_imi spot_ebiteliæaævyu_Õvàme p_ÕrodnÕch zdroj_.
Na_Õm poslànÕm je pomàhat a mÕt radost z toho, _e jste zdravÕ.
Jsme st_edoevropskà spole_nost. Vznikli jsme væroce 1997 ve Velk_ Britànii a zænÕ nàsledn_ sv_ sÕdlo p_esunuli do Prahy, srdce Evropy. Spole_nost vybudovali l_ka_i a farmaceuti, kte_Õ jsou klÕ_ov_mi osobnostmi ve firm_.
Kvalita surovin, p_ÕrodnÕ p_vod a Ï_innost na_ich p_Õpravk_ jsou tÕm nejcenn_j_Õm, co nabÕzÕme. Ka_d_ nà_ produkt, jen_ nese symbol GS, odrà_Õ na_i garanci, _e dostàvàte to nejlep_Õ.
Mezi nejoblÕben_j_Õ a l_ka_i nejdoporu_ovan_j_Õ p_Õpravky z na_eho _irok_ho portfolia pat_Õ GS Condro, klenot mezi kloubnÕmi p_Õpravky; GS Merilin, vysoce Ï_inn_ nehormonàlnÕ p_Õpravek pro _eny v klimakteriu; GS Dormian pro spànek jako v bavlnce nebo GS Mamavit pro __astn_ a zdrav_ maminky.
Na_e p_Õpravky m__ete zakoupit na www.gsklub.cz nebo ve Va_Õ l_kàrn_.
Na_e mise
Inspirujeme se nejnov_j_Õmi trendy a prov__en_mi znalostmi z oblasti farmacie a medicÕny. Vyu_Õvàme p_ÕrodnÕ, prov__en_ suroviny a _pi_kov_ technologie. DÕky tomu vytvà_Õme lep_Õ p_Õpravky, kter_ Vàm pomàhajÕ _Õt zdrav_j_Õ a lep_Õ _ivot.
‹V_Õm, coæd_làme, sm__ujeme kætomu, aby si sv_ho zdravÕ và_ili v_ichni.ñ
Keith Lauder
Zakladatatel Green-Swan Pharmaceuticals
- Company Name:Green - Swan Pharmaceuticals Cr, A.s.
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Prague, Czech Republic
50 - 200 employees
- 25761320 Global Rank
- 293242 Czech Republic
- United States 85.2%
- Indonesia 0.6%
- Dallas-Fort Worth
- 100 K Downloads
- 18 SDKs
- 3.87 Avg. Rating
- 222 Total reviews
- App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thefuntasty.pitnyrezim
- App Support: http://www.aquilavoda.cz
- Genre: health_and_fitness
- Bundle ID: com.thefuntasty.pitnyrezim
- App Size: 5.75 M
- Version: 31
- Release Date: December 16th, 2013
- Update Date: June 7th, 2017
Headaches and tiredness can be signals that you aren’t getting enough water. However, knocking back half a litre of water four times a day is not a good idea.
The best way for our bodies to process liquids is in small but regular doses. A small glass of water every half hour is optimal. If you pour Aqualinea Natural in your glass, you can be sure that you are treating your body to liquids that have an optimal composition.
This app will help you to keep a regular drinking regime:
Just enter your vital stats and it will calculate your ideal daily water consumption.
To record every glass, simply tap the app.
Customized reminders will notify you when it is time to have another drink.
Do you have a smart watch? You can start drinking smarter. You can record each glass of drink to watch. Watch will regularly warns you that it is time to drink again. And when someone asks you how much did you drink last few days, feel free to leave your phone in your pocket. The watch can display statistics for up to four days old.
Download the application and see for yourself how a regular drinking regime will boost your energy for work, fun, and sports.