Group Xp
Our lives are defined by experiences, and today people are as demanding of an experience as they are of a purchase. Group XP is a unique consulting model formed through the partnership between Superunion, FITCH, SET & SET Live. We believe that great customer experience is the key driver of business growth today. Together, we are over 1000 strategic and creative thinkers located across 40 studios worldwide. By connecting diverse perspectives and skills in our network, we bring a holistic view of experience to create transformative interactions between brands and people.
Marketing and Advertising
1,000 - 5,000
New York, NY, United States

Our lives are defined by experiences, and today people are as demanding of an experience as they are of a purchase.

Group XP is a unique consulting model formed through the partnership between Superunion, FITCH, SET & SET Live. We believe that great customer experience is the key driver of business growth today.

Together, we are over 1000 strategic and creative thinkers located across 40 studios worldwide. By connecting diverse perspectives and skills in our network, we bring a holistic view of experience to create transformative interactions between brands and people.

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They are headquartered at New York, NY, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Group Xp works with Advertising technology companies such as AdOn Network.