We are a growing, family-owned hospitality company that owns and operates 5 boutique hotels, 14 restaurant concepts and 2 spas, all concentrated in Old Montreal. There are more than 1200 employees working in servicing our guests, and 60 employees working for the corporate office. Our organizational culture is key to the success of our team and relies on putting forth our passion for hosting and serving guests, fostering a family spirit at work, and daring to do things differently. We expect everyone to be enthusiastic, positive team players that share our ambition in standing apart in a very competitive landscape.
Join our team!
Apply now by sending us your resume :
Keep yourself updated with all the latest news on our establishments by visiting :
Nous sommes une entreprise familiale en pleine croissance, qui possde et exploite 5 hªtels-boutiques, 14 concepts de restauration et 2 spas, le tout concentr_ dans le Vieux-Montr_al. Plus de 1200 employ_s sont au service de nos invit_s au sein de nos _tablissements et 60 employ_s travaillent au sige social. Notre culture dÍentreprise, primordiale au succs de notre _quipe, met de lÍavant notre passion pour lÍaccueil et le service de nos invit_s, favorise un esprit dÍ_quipe au travail, et encourage lÍaudace de faire les choses diff_remment. Nous attendons de chaque employ_ dÍtre des joueurs dÍ_quipe enthousiastes et positifs, ainsi que de partager notre ambition de se d_marquer dans un milieu trs comp_titif.
Joignez-vous ö notre _quipe!
Postulez maintenant en envoyant votre CV : carrieres@experiencevieuxmontreal.com
Pour vous tenir ö l'afflut des nouvelles dans nos diff_rents _tablissement visitez:
- Company Name:Groupe Antonopoulos
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1,000 - 5,000 employees
- 3269025 Global Rank
- 128680 Canada

- United States 65.5%
- Japan 8.8%
- United Kingdom 4.5%
- Canada 3.9%
- India 3.1%
- Des Plaines
- 10 SDKs
- 3.71 Avg. Rating
- 12 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/groupe-antonopoulos/id414675734
- App Support: http://experienceoldmontreal.com/
- Genre: Travel
- Bundle ID: com.7071973.V2-EOM
- App Size: 24.9 M
- Version: 3.30.00
- Release Date: January 19th, 2011
- Update Date: June 15th, 2015
The Experience Old Montreal Guide provides you with the best local venues in Montreal through a carefully crafted selection of restaurants, boutiques, museums, art galleries, bars and other must-see tourist attractions located close by. The useful information section of the App offers pertinent information for visitors such as neighbouring banks, car rental services, airport and airline information, hospitals, embassies and consulates and all other essentials for travelers and people wanting to know more on Montreal.
Guests of the Hôtel Nelligan, Place d'Armes Hôtel & Suites, Auberge du Vieux-Port and Petit Hôtel, benefit of the personalized customer service available at their fingertips through their smartphone: mobility and ease-of-use is brought to the act of reserving a room, contacting room service or housekeeping, and even giving your feedback on the quality of services received during their stay.

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