Grupo Visabeira
O Grupo Visabeira Ž uma holding multinacional presente em 16 pa’ses nos mais diversos setores de atividade, incluindo Telecomunica›es, Energia, Indœstria, Turismo e Imobili‡ria, comercializando servios e produtos para mais de 70 na›es. Caraterizado por uma forte aposta na internacionaliza‹o, o Grupo opera, entre v‡rios outros, nos mercados angolano, moambicano, francs, belga, brasileiro e alem‹o, empregando perto de 10.000 colaboradores, distribu’dos por mais de 100 empresas. No seu portef—lio inclui diversas marcas reconhecidas nacional e internacionalmente, entre as quais Viatel, Constructel, Televisa, TVCABO Angola, TVCABO Moambique, Vista Alegre, Bordallo Pinheiro, Montebelo Hotels & Resorts. _________________ Visabeira Group is a multinational holding company present in 16 countries in various sectors of activity, including telecommunications, energy, industry, tourism and real estate, marketing services and products to over 70 nations. Characterized by a strong commitment to internationalization, the Group operates, among many others, in the Angolan, Mozambique, French, Belgian, Brazilian and German markets, employing close to 10,000 people spread over more than 100 companies. In its portfolio includes several recognized national brands and internationally, including Viatel, Constructel, Televisa, TVCABO Angola, TVCABO Mozambique , Vista Alegre, Bordallo Pinheiro, Montebelo Hotels & Resorts, among others.
5,000 - 10,000
Viseu, Viseu, Portugal

O Grupo Visabeira Ž uma holding multinacional presente em 16 pa’ses nos mais diversos setores de atividade, incluindo Telecomunica›es, Energia, Indœstria, Turismo e Imobili‡ria, comercializando servios e produtos para mais de 70 na›es.

Caraterizado por uma forte aposta na internacionaliza‹o, o Grupo opera, entre v‡rios outros, nos mercados angolano, moambicano, francs, belga, brasileiro e alem‹o, empregando perto de 10.000 colaboradores, distribu’dos por mais de 100 empresas.

No seu portef—lio inclui diversas marcas reconhecidas nacional e internacionalmente, entre as quais Viatel, Constructel, Televisa, TVCABO Angola, TVCABO Moambique, Vista Alegre, Bordallo Pinheiro,
Montebelo Hotels & Resorts.


Visabeira Group is a multinational holding company present in 16 countries in various sectors of activity, including telecommunications, energy, industry, tourism and real estate, marketing services and products to over 70 nations.

Characterized by a strong commitment to internationalization, the Group operates, among many others, in the Angolan, Mozambique, French, Belgian, Brazilian and German markets, employing close to 10,000 people spread over more than 100 companies.

In its portfolio includes several recognized national brands and internationally, including Viatel, Constructel, Televisa, TVCABO Angola, TVCABO Mozambique , Vista Alegre, Bordallo Pinheiro,
Montebelo Hotels & Resorts, among others.

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They are headquartered at Viseu, Viseu, Portugal, and have 6 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Grupo Visabeira works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.