Gt Nexus
GT Nexus is built on a simple but very powerful idea: put a single cloud-based collaboration platform at the center of a huge but enormously inefficient industry „ global trade and logistics „ and give companies a rapid, low-cost way to bring together hundreds of global supply chain processes, across entire trading communities, to achieve new levels of operational efficiency and business agility. More than just a technology platform, GT Nexus hosts a community of manufacturers, retailers, logistics service providers, carriers, suppliers, and banks who can collaborate together to solve todayÍs complex supply chain issues. GT Nexus is where global trade happens. For the latest supply chain thought leadership, visit our resource library at
Logistics and Supply Chain
500 - 1,000
Oakland, CA, United States

GT Nexus is built on a simple but very powerful idea: put a single cloud-based collaboration platform at the center of a huge but enormously inefficient industry „ global trade and logistics „ and give companies a rapid, low-cost way to bring together hundreds of global supply chain processes, across entire trading communities, to achieve new levels of operational efficiency and business agility.

More than just a technology platform, GT Nexus hosts a community of manufacturers, retailers, logistics service providers, carriers, suppliers, and banks who can collaborate together to solve todayÍs complex supply chain issues.

GT Nexus is where global trade happens.

For the latest supply chain thought leadership, visit our resource library at

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  • 10 SDKs
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  • Genre: Business
  • Bundle ID: com.gtnexus.appxpress.pgtnqc
  • App Size: 16.1 M
  • Version: 3.2.51
  • Release Date: May 7th, 2015
  • Update Date: December 19th, 2019


The purpose of this project is to automate the current factory Quality Audit Report process for GT Nexus clients that have purchased our Quality Control application. The report gathering/approving process will be replaced with a combination of web-based programs and mobile applications for improved visibility, efficiency and reporting.

The scope of this project includes the following main processes:
• Creation of Factory Audit Reports. This step can be conducted by Supplier/Factory auditors as well as auditors and Area Managers.
• Take photos of defects to clearly visualize them.
• Central visibility to Audit Reports. Provide a single point of visibility for all concerned parties to the full details of all Audit Reports.
• Review & Final Approval of Audit Reports. Area Managers review and approve reports.

Auditors are classified as being certified or non-certified. Ideally, goods will not leave a factory until they have passed an audit completed by a Certified Auditor.
Each factory is assigned an Area Manager. The Area Manager is responsible for reviewing the Quality Audit Reports created by factory auditors. Area Managers can also create Quality Audit Reports. Regional and Global Managers can also complete the same steps as the Area Manager. The Area Manager reviews each report completed at their assigned factories and makes the final determination on report status (Pass/Fail/Hold), certification status and indicates when the goods covered by the audit are released for shipment.
Area Managers may require additional audit reports to be created for a number of reasons:
• Audit fails and a tightened audit is required
• Errors in original report
• Original report was completed by a non-certified auditor

Audits currently conform to one of two AQL tables – “Normal” and “Tightened”. The auditor will select the audit level as part of the creation of the report. A Tightened audit may be done as the result of an initial Normal Audit failing or a Tightened audit may be selected as the initial audit type if a factory has had a history of failed audits.
A Factory Audit Report is for a single style (GTN buyer item number) and typically for a single Parent PO number, which may include multiple sub-POs. Auditors can adjust the total quantity inspected if different from the total quantity for the Parent PO. Auditors select if the Normal or Tightened AQL is to be applied and reports the total units inspected and the total units rejected. Individual defect codes are identified along with the quantity of units with the defect. A single rejected unit may have multiple defects, all of which can be reported. Therefore, the total number of defects may be greater than the units rejected, but cannot be less. Notes and photos can be stored with each defect code.
Users will have visibility to Factory Audit Reports via their GT Nexus login. Only authorized users will be able to complete the Audit Review Process. User security rights will determine which users can create or edit the documents.

Mobile application components include:
• Creation of Factory Audit Reports (create New or Create from Existing report options)
• Audit Report Review Process
• Search/View of Factory Audit Reports and Final Status

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Aug 11, 2015

Awesome app!

A W E S O M E!
Quartz Core Framework
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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