Hayes, Inc.
Achieving best patient outcomes by using proven medical technologies is the basis on which Hayes was founded. Our team of analysts and clinical informatics specialists is a trusted resource for unbiased and timely research, evidence analysis, and guidance that drive effective health technology utilization and cost management. For over 25 years, Hayes has been empowering clinicians, health plan policymakers, and government agencies in their mission to make sound evidence-based decisions that balance cost, quality and patient outcomes.
Hospital & Health Care
50 - 200
Lansdale, PA, United States

Achieving best patient outcomes by using proven medical technologies is the basis on which Hayes was founded. Our team of analysts and clinical informatics specialists is a trusted resource for unbiased and timely research, evidence analysis, and guidance that drive effective health technology utilization and cost management. For over 25 years, Hayes has been empowering clinicians, health plan policymakers, and government agencies in their mission to make sound evidence-based decisions that balance cost, quality and patient outcomes.

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They are headquartered at Lansdale, PA, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Hayes, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Remarketing.