Who We Are:
HBC Digital drives the digital retail/ecommerce and digital customer experience across all HBC retail banners including Hudsonês Bay, Lord & Taylor, Saks Fifth Avenue, Gilt, and Saks OFF 5TH. While itês clear that the future of retail will rely heavily on new technologies and the internet, we are still discovering how the internet, mobile, e-commerce and in-store shopping will power commerce in the coming years and decades. With millions of customers, both online and offline, HBC Digital is positioned at the center of this reinvention.
Our Culture:
A recent survey of HBC Digital employees about our culture revealed the three most common responses were fast-paced, team-oriented and growth.
Fast-paced _ Our employees are constantly tackling new problems and challenges that result from working at a company growing rapidly through acquisitions and in an industry that is continuously evolving.
Team-oriented _ Our employees work on small, cross-functional teams with a high level of autonomy and ownership. Projects are run in an Agile fashion. We keep meetings to a minimum so people can focus on getting work done. HBC Digital also offers a flexible work environment, great work-life balance and a growing number of perks and career development opportunities.
Growth _ Our employees are encouraged to use 20% of their time for learning new technologies. HBC Digital also has a strong history of developing our employees and opening new doors for them to grow their careers.
- Company Name:Hbc Digital
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- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/stack-overflow/id871299723
- App Support: http://meta.stackexchange.com
- Genre: Education
- Bundle ID: com.stackexchange.stackexchange
- App Size: 74.1 M
- Version: 1.6.6
- Release Date: May 6th, 2014
- Update Date: June 2nd, 2017
Stack Exchange is a network of 100+ question and answer communities on everything from software programming to cooking, photography, and gaming. With this app you can:
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• Get instant notifications when you receive an answer or comment
This is the official app for all Stack Exchange sites, including Stack Overflow, Super User, Server Fault, Ask Ubuntu and Arqade.
New to Stack Exchange? Here’s how it works:
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• The community is run by you: moderators are elected, and top users have access to special tools to help moderate

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