Helix House
Helix House is Scottsdaleês leading digital advertising agency specializing in customized, ROI driven, growth-focused advertising solutions for business across the globe. Our proven model starts by identifying your unique business challenges before building an actionable data-driven strategy to overcome them. As people we are passionate, authentic, caring and extremely hardworking bunch. We are almost always wired on Cartel cold brew and we are notorious for d
Marketing and Advertising
10 - 50
Tempe, AZ, United States

Helix House is Scottsdaleês leading digital advertising agency specializing in customized, ROI driven, growth-focused advertising solutions for business across the globe. Our proven model starts by identifying your unique business challenges before building an actionable data-driven strategy to overcome them.

As people we are passionate, authentic, caring and extremely hardworking bunch. We are almost always wired on Cartel cold brew and we are notorious for drawing impromptu flowcharts on the walls like maniacs. We like making waffles in the office on Tuesdays because we donêt believe breakfast foods should be bound by alliteration. We have rebranded midafternoon meetings to tea time, and we celebrate birthdays with donuts because life is just better that way. We pitch bold ideas because we believe in them and we think standing for something is better than standing for nothing.

But most importantly, we work with you as a partner - not as a client - because we believe in being invested and dedicated. We will do everything in our power to get you the results you are looking for, and we always hold ourselves accountable. Because you shouldnêt accept anything less.

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Helix House
They are headquartered at Tempe, AZ, United States, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Helix House works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, LinkedIn Ads.