Humes - A Member Of The Fletcher Building Group
Humes is a leading manufacturer and supplier of systems for managing water and other utilities, primarily in urban environments and roading. We are a part of Fletcher Building, a diversified global building industry company. We specialise in pipeline systems, power and telecommunication products, precast concrete proucts, streetware, geotextiles and many other solutions for the construction industry. Across our range of products we have strong capabilities in both manufacture and distribution supported by an experienced sales team, product design and technical support capabilities. To find out more about Fletcher Building visit To find out how you can make it with Humes, a member of the Fletcher Building Group visit or follow us
Auckland, New Zealand

Humes is a leading manufacturer and supplier of systems for managing water and other utilities, primarily in urban environments and roading. We are a part of Fletcher Building, a diversified global building industry company.

We specialise in pipeline systems, power and telecommunication products, precast concrete proucts, streetware, geotextiles and many other solutions for the construction industry. Across our range of products we have strong capabilities in both manufacture and distribution supported by an experienced sales team, product design and technical support capabilities.

To find out more about Fletcher Building visit

To find out how you can make it with Humes, a member of the Fletcher Building Group visit or follow us

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They are headquartered at Auckland, New Zealand, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Humes - A Member Of The Fletcher Building Group works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Floodlight Counter.